Ferrero-Waldner, Benita; Kösler, Ariane; Chimwemwe Kazembe, Faith; Mandigora, Augustine; Makgoeng, Larona; Rakotomanana, Andrianaivo Regis; Nkiranuye, Jean Emile; Odularu, Gbadebo; Maluka, Stephen Oswald; Magbagbeola, Nelson O.; Beckford, Tamian; Alexander, Walter J.; Barrow, Tricia; Jones, Jessica Lynn; Bridgewater, Sherwin; Mounsey, Allister; Konyo, Addo Olga; Beighle, Yldiz; Carrau, Natalia; Corrêa, Fabiano; Obaya, Martín; Retamoso, Mercedes; Navarro, Mauren; Chow Coleman, Jane; Cerrato Sabillón, Norma Allegra; Argueta, Beatriz Véliz; Romero, Ximena; Wangchuk, Karma; Win Latt, Phyo; Damayanti, Rizki; Kühnhardt, Ludger: Global voices on regional integration : with a preface by EU-Commissioner Benito Ferrero-Waldner. Bonn: Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI), 2007. In: Kösler, Ariane; Zimmek, Martin (Hrsg.): ZEI Discussion Paper, C176.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc:
author = {{Benita Ferrero-Waldner} and {Ariane Kösler} and {Faith Chimwemwe Kazembe} and {Augustine Mandigora} and {Larona Makgoeng} and {Andrianaivo Regis Rakotomanana} and {Jean Emile Nkiranuye} and {Gbadebo Odularu} and {Stephen Oswald Maluka} and {Nelson O. Magbagbeola} and {Tamian Beckford} and {Walter J. Alexander} and {Tricia Barrow} and {Jessica Lynn Jones} and {Sherwin Bridgewater} and {Allister Mounsey} and {Addo Olga Konyo} and {Yldiz Beighle} and {Natalia Carrau} and {Fabiano Corrêa} and {Martín Obaya} and {Mercedes Retamoso} and {Mauren Navarro} and {Jane Chow Coleman} and {Norma Allegra Cerrato Sabillón} and {Beatriz Véliz Argueta} and {Ximena Romero} and {Karma Wangchuk} and {Phyo Win Latt} and {Rizki Damayanti} and {Ludger Kühnhardt}},
editor = {{Ariane Kösler} and {Martin Zimmek}},
title = {Global voices on regional integration : with a preface by EU-Commissioner Benito Ferrero-Waldner},
publisher = {Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI)},
year = 2007,
series = {ZEI Discussion Paper},
volume = C176,
note = {The present ZEI Discussion Paper represents a collection of voices of young academics from four different continents dedicated to regional integration. In her preface, the EU-Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, highlights the importance of other regional groupings for the EU. The essays of the participants examine the benefits and difficulties of region-building and the role of the EU as a model and partner. They cover some of the most important regional integration initiatives like COMESA, SADC and ECOWAS in Africa, CARICOM and OECS in the Caribbean, MERCOSUR, SICA and CAN in Latin America and SAARC and ASEAN in Asia.},
url = {}

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