Wagner, Simon Matthias: Assessing the potential role of insurance in flood adaptation in the context of climate change : a case study of the West African Lower Mono River Basin (LMRB) in Togo and Benin. - Bonn, 2024. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-76627
urn: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-76627,
author = {{Simon Matthias Wagner}},
title = {Assessing the potential role of insurance in flood adaptation in the context of climate change : a case study of the West African Lower Mono River Basin (LMRB) in Togo and Benin},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2024,
month = jun,

note = {The Lower Mono River basin (LMRB) located both in Togo and Benin is confronted with challenges such as periodic flooding, infrastructural development, deforestation, settlement expansion, land use change and risk governance. The basin is largely rural and characterized by various small-sized village settlements whose livelihoods are largely dependent on agriculture. The population is regularly affected by floods and experiences a diverse range of impacts. A large part of the households is affected financially, requiring monetary resources to cope with the impacts. However, risk transfer mechanisms that would allow the households to formally shift the consequences of those impacts to another party are still widely absent. In order to address this gap in financial protection, the feasibility of a potential flood insurance mechanism for the research area for at risk-households in the LMRB is assessed through researching the following questions: (1) Which lessons can be drawn from research trends in the management of common flood impacts in the West African context for the role of a potential insurance mechanism in the LMRB for targeted households? Support activities from the social environment appeared most prominently after a disastrous flood event. In addition, insurance appeared as one of the most frequently recommended measure, further underscoring the gap of financial instruments to deal with flood impacts. Nonetheless, the studies under review did not conduct research on the feasibility of flood insurance. (2) What is the prevalence and sufficiency of existing risk transfer mechanisms that are available to at risk households for addressing financial flood impacts? The frequency and severity of flood impacts with financial implications could easily overwhelm existing risk transfer mechanisms and conventional insurance approaches seem currently unfeasible without the implementation of effective adaptation measures. Support from cooperatives and credits obtained from savings groups were significantly associated with a shortened financial recovery time, as shown by the GLM model. (3) What is the explicit demand for a potential flood insurance product by at risk households in the research area? ML models were applied to a set of parameters selected through a data-driven process and a guiding framework with six thematic areas. Among the applied models, sequential neural networks yielded the highest accuracy. It became apparent that parameters from the area of either interaction with insurance institutions as well as interaction with other institutions and the social environment reflected more prominently and with higher importance than parameters from the areas of flood risk or household attributes.},
url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/11606}

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