Griebel, Michael; Oettershagen, Jens: On tensor product approximation of analytic functions. In: INS Preprints, 1512.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc:
author = {{Michael Griebel} and {Jens Oettershagen}},
title = {On tensor product approximation of analytic functions},
publisher = {Institut für Numerische Simulation (INS)},
year = 2015,
INS Preprints},
volume = 1512,
note = {We prove sharp, two-sided bounds on sums of the form ∑k∈ℕd0\𝒟a(T) exp(− ∑dj=1 ajkj), where 𝒟a(T) := {kd0 : ∑dj=1 ajkjT} and ad+. These sums appear in the error analysis of tensor product approximation, interpolation and integration of d-variate analytic functions. Examples are tensor products of univariate Fourier-Legendre expansions [6] or interpolation and integration rules at Leja points [13, 40, 41]. Moreover, we discuss the limit d → ∞, where we prove both, algebraic and sub-exponential upper bounds. As an application we consider tensor products of Hardy spaces, where we study convergence rates of a certain truncated Taylor series, as well as of interpolation and integration using Leja points.},
url = {}

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