Feisthauer, Philipp: Global and experimental evidence on the adoption of innovations and robotics for sustainable crop production. - Bonn, 2024. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-78620
urn: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-78620,
doi: https://doi.org/10.48565/bonndoc-393,
author = {{Philipp Feisthauer}},
title = {Global and experimental evidence on the adoption of innovations and robotics for sustainable crop production},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2024,
month = sep,

note = {Agricultural innovations in general and smart farming technologies (SFT) in particular, can mitigate the negative environmental impacts and risk inherent to modern agricultural practices while increasing productivity and precision thereof. Clearly, understanding what drives their adoption and why farmers are still hesitant to venture into the field of smart and autonomous farming technologies is pivotal for technology producers, agricultural economists and political stakeholders alike to unfold the full potential of these sustainable innovations.
The present dissertation studies the adoption of agricultural innovations from different vantage points. First, we systematically identify and organize quantitative agricultural innovation adoption literature in a sizable global evidence map to learn about the statistical relevance of frequently and less frequently investigated farm-level adoption determinants and to propose future avenues of research. Second, in a framed lab-in-the-field experiment with German crop farmers we delve deeper into their attitudinal dispositions toward SFT, and we test whether a set of hypothetical policy scenarios has a positive effect on farmers’ intention to use more SFT in the future. Third, we replicate the above experiment with agricultural students to get a better understanding of an unexpected behavioral pattern observed in the farmer sample and to derive a statement regarding potential subject pool effects in agricultural policy evaluation studies. Fourth and last, we draw on a psychological framework—the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)—to extend our knowledge regarding likely behavioral antecedents of farmers’ intention to use spot spraying for herbicide-reduced weed control on their own farms.
While frequently investigated structural and sociodemographic variables are found statistically insignificant in a vast majority of studies investigating adoption across the globe, less frequent variables pertaining to farmers’ behavior, attitudes and their embeddedness in their social and professional environment bear statistical relevance for adoption relatively more often. This is complemented by the findings of both the experimental and the TPB approaches. In particular, farmers’ pro-environmental attitude and innovativeness are found to be strong predictors of their intended SFT adoption. In addition, social and moral norms to tend to the environment render themselves relevant antecedents of farmers intention to conduct weed management via spot spraying technology on their own fields within the next five years. By contrast, neither of the investigated policy scenarios yield the expected effects on SFT adoption intention. Promisingly, however, both their magnitude and direction of effect are in line with theoretical predictions. We can further show a marked discrepancy between the results derived from the farmers and students, respectively, which casts doubt on the adequacy of using agricultural students as substitutes for farmers in agricultural policy evaluation experiments.
The methodological and theoretical contributions alongside the insights derived in this dissertation emphasize the relevance of behavioral determinants to inform future research endeavors and enable context-specific agricultural policies aiming at sustainable intensification of modern agriculture.},

url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/12379}

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