Theoretical Geodesy Group
Recent Submissions
Design of frequency selective filters for non-equispaced data
Schuh, Wolf-Dieter; Franken, Jessica; Brockmann, Jan Martin; Esch, Christina; Köhler, Joël; Gutjahr, Karlheinz (2018-07-22)Modern sensors and satellite missions deliver huge data sets and long time series of observations. In the most cases equispaced time series are collected. Filtering of time series is a standard task in data analysis. ... -
Modeling of inhomogeneous spatio-temporal signals by least squares collocation
Schuh, Wolf-Dieter; Korte, Johannes; Schubert, Till; Brockmann, Jan Martin (2022-06-16)Through inverse modeling and adjustment techniques, the geodesists try to derive mathematical models from their measurements to get a better understanding of various processes in the system Earth. Sophisticated deterministic ... -
Coestimating long-term temporal signals to reduce the aliasing effect in parametric geodetic mean dynamic topography estimation
Brockmann, Jan Martin; Borlinghaus, Moritz; Neyers, Christian; Schuh, Wolf-Dieter (2022-06-16)The geodetic estimation of the mean dynamic ocean topography (MDT) as the difference between the mean of the sea surface and the geoid remains, despite the simple relation, still a difficult task. Mainly, the spectral ... -
Towards the Development of a Continuous Spatio-Temporal Finite Element Based Representation of the Mean Sea Surface
Borlinghaus, Moritz; Neyers, Christian; Brockmann, Jan Martin (2022)The mean sea surface has an important role both in the calculation of the mean dynamic topography and in the area of sea level change as a reference surface. This paper presents a new approach to estimate a continuous ... -
Stochastic modeling of altimetric sea surface height measurements - refined AR models from iterative residual analysis
Brockmann, Jan Martin; Schuh, Wolf-Dieter (2016) -
An improved global gravity field model of the Earth derived from reprocessed GOCE observations with the time-wise approach
Brockmann, Jan Martin; Schubert, Till; Schuh, Wolf-Dieter; Kvas, Andreas; Mayer-Guerr, Torsten (2019)ESA's dedicated gravity field mission GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) successfully completed its science operations in 2013 as the first Earth Explorer mission in orbit. In 2014, the fifth ... -
An improved global gravity field model from the GOCE mission: the time-wise release 6 model
Brockmann, Jan Martin; Schubert, Till; Mayer-Guerr, Torsten; Schuh, Wolf-Dieter (2019)The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) completed its science mission to observethe Earth’s gravity field in 2013. From the collected observations, gravity gradients and tracking ...