Groß-Hardt, Rüdiger: A General Purpose Detector Simulation for the EDDA Experiment : Application in Monte Carlo Studies of the Luminosity Detectors. - Bonn, 2001. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
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author = {{Rüdiger Groß-Hardt}},
title = {A General Purpose Detector Simulation for the EDDA Experiment : Application in Monte Carlo Studies of the Luminosity Detectors},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2001,
note = {T be EDDA experiment is an internal target experiment at t he Cooler Synchrotron COSY at t he Forschungszentrum Jülich. l t was designed to study proton-proton elastic scattering excitation fw1ctions ran ging from 500 MeV to 2500 MeV of laboratory kin etic energy with high relative accuracy. In the first phase of the experiment w1polarized differential cross sections were measured using CH2 fiber targets. To simulate the EDDA experiment, a simulation software named SIGI was developed. SIGI is based on the detector simulation toolkit Gismo. This t◊ol kit had to be extended by a hadronic shower code named MICRES, especially suitable for the energy range avai lab le. Several geometrical elements were added and the tracking in certain parts of the detector was optimized. Finally, a weil known simulation problem, the touching boundary problem, was solved. The problem occurs e.g., when two detector elements in a simulation setup touch. To normalize the data taken in the first pbase of the EDDA experiment, the luminosity was measured using two luminosity monitors, t he secondary electron monitor SEM and tbe PIN diodes. Tbe PIN diodes are siücon detectors, measuring the o-electrons emüted from the target. The efficiency of the PIN diodes depends on the beam momentum. To correctly interpret the data taken with the PIN diodes, their efficiency must be determined using the simulation software. An important aspect of this application are the systematic e1Tors, which are introduced by the simulation. Referring to t he employed combination of two PIN diodes the systematic e1Tor of the simulation is less than 1.0% for the major part of t he momentum range. Only for momenta below 1455 MeV/ c t he error increases to 3.1 %. For one particular PIN diode t he systematic error is even less tban 0.6% for tbe foll momentum range. These results permit tbe use of the PIN diodes to control the proper Operation of the secondary electron monitor SEM.},
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