Dietrich, Jörg Peter: Combined Weak Lensing and X-Ray Search for Galaxy Clusters and the Filaments Connecting Them. - Bonn, 2006. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
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author = {{Jörg Peter Dietrich}},
title = {Combined Weak Lensing and X-Ray Search for Galaxy Clusters and the Filaments Connecting Them},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2006,
note = {The work presented here has four main parts.
(1) A newly developed, almost fully automated data reduction pipeline for optical single- and multi-chip CCD cameras is described. Its image products are compared to those against reduced images produced from an independently developed pipeline. The comparison shows very good agreement between both pipelines.
(2) The theory of cosmic structure formation predicts a filamentary large-scale structure of the Universe. These filaments have been observed in large scale redshift surveys for some time. Here we present an attempt to map such a filament between the close pair of massive galaxy clusters A 222/223 using weak gravitational lensing. A mass bridge connecting both clusters is seen in a mass reconstruction making this system only the third known candidate for such a filamentary structure observed with weak lensing.
(3) A public imaging survey following-up on deep XMM-Newton exposures was carried out as collaboration between ESO, the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre, and the University of Bonn. We present the reduced and calibrated data released from this survey in July 2005.
(4) A combined X-ray, optical matched filter, and X-ray search for clusters of galaxies is carried out on the XMM-Newton Follow-Up Survey. We develop and test our selection criteria for the weak lensing search using ray-tracing simulations through N-body simulations. With the adopted selection criteria we find 28 significant weak lensing peaks that positionally coincide with either X-ray or optical matched filter selected cluster candidates, or correspond to previously known clusters.},

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