Cai, Gaochao: The impact of soil water distribution on root development and root water uptake of winter wheat. - Bonn, 2018. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
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author = {{Gaochao Cai}},
title = {The impact of soil water distribution on root development and root water uptake of winter wheat},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2018,
month = apr,

volume = 410,
note = {Root water uptake (RWU) is a key process in the root zone that determines water movement from the soil into roots and transport to the atmosphere via plant leaves. Different RWU models were developed with different assumptions and parameters but the description of this process and its parameterization remain challenging in soil hydrology. Due to the difficulty to obtain root development and soil states in undisturbed soils, dynamic root distributions and a physically based concept to describe water uptake from soil profiles with vertical variations in soil water availability are often not taken into consideration. The simulated RWU is rarely evaluated by measured transpiration for field conditions. This study aims at 1) introducing two minirhizotron (MR) facilities that were installed in two types of soils with different water treatments for monitoring dynamics of root and soil moisture in situ, 2) parameterizing RWU models that use different concepts and investigating the difference in RWU patterns and possible links, 3) exploring the effect of soil water availability on root development and RWU that were estimated by different RWU models, and evaluating the estimated RWU by measured transpiration. Winter wheat was considered in this study.
Two MR facilities were constructed in two different soils (stony vs. silty) to monitor root growth and root zone processes. Each facility was established with three subplots: sheltered, rainfed, and irrigated. Root dynamics were observed in 7-m-long rhizotubes that were installed horizontally at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 120 cm depth. Time domain reflectometer (TDR) probes, tensiometers, and matrix potential sensors were installed at those six depths to measure soil water content and water potential. The measurements served as input for inversely estimating soil and root-system related parameters of three RWU models: Feddes (without compensation), Feddes-Jarvis (with compensation, FJ), and Couvreur (physically based model with compensation that have been implemented in Hydrus-1D, C). Sap flow was monitored in each plot of the two soils.
Measurements in the rhizotron facilities demonstrated that soil water content, root density, and crop biomass of winter wheat were higher in the silty than in the stony soil, in which plant and root growth were obviously affected by water treatments and soil types. Using the data from the sheltered plot of the stony soil, the three models predicted soil moisture equally well and the soil hydraulic parameters optimized by the models with compensation were comparable. The obtained RWU parameters of the FJ model and root hydraulic parameters for winter wheat were consistent with data reported in the literature. The FJ and C models simulated similar root-system scale stress functions that link total RWU to the effective root zone water potential. The root-system related parameters of the C model could be constrained but not those of the FJ model. When broadening the model parameterization and simulations to different soils and water treatments, the soil hydraulic parameters could be well identified by the FJ and C models. Patterns of crop and root development differed in the plots of the two soils, which resulted in different RWU due to different soil water availability. The FJ and C models simulated similar RWU which was the lowest in the sheltered plot of the stony soil where RWU was also lower than the potential RWU. In the silty soil, RWU was equal to the potential uptake for all treatments. The C model predicted the ratios of the transpiration fluxes in the two soils slightly better than the FJ model. The variation of simulated RWU between the different plots agreed well with measured sap flow but with a constant offset which needs further study.},

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