Bücker, Matthias Benedikt: Pore-Scale Modelling of Induced-Polarization Mechanisms in Geologic Materials. - Bonn, 2019. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5n-53878
urn: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5n-53878,
author = {{Matthias Benedikt Bücker}},
title = {Pore-Scale Modelling of Induced-Polarization Mechanisms in Geologic Materials},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2019,
month = mar,

note = {This thesis is concerned with mechanistic pore-scale models, which relate the induced-polarization (IP) response of geologic materials to the underlying physical and chemical processes. Although a sound understanding of these processes is essential for the interpretation of measured IP responses, the development of suitable mechanistic models is lagging far behind the fast growing amount of experimental IP data. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to improve theoretical models and advance the general understanding of the polarization processes.
The first development is an analytic model to predict the influence of an immiscible liquid hydrocarbon phase on the membrane-polarization mechanism occurring in electrolyte-filled pore constrictions. The hydrocarbon is modelled as an electrically insulating phase with a negatively charged surface. Magnitude and phase of the predicted electrical conductivity of hydrocarbon-contaminated materials decrease with increasing hydrocarbon saturation irrespective of whether the hydrocarbon phase is wetting or non-wetting. Only non-wetting hydrocarbon droplets with highly charged surfaces yield an increase of the magnitude with the hydrocarbon saturation and a slight increase of the phase at intermediate hydrocarbon concentrations. This prediction offers the first theoretical explanation for a similar experimentally determined relation between complex conductivity and hydrocarbon saturation.
The next two parts of this thesis examine the electrode-polarization mechanism responsible for the IP response of metal-bearing materials. The polarization of uncharged metallic particles is studied based on an electrochemical model, which includes the effect of oxidation-reduction reactions at the particle surface. The full solution of the underlying Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) system is presented, which allows to visualize the micro-scale manifestations of two simultaneously acting polarization mechanisms. The first mechanism is related to the dynamic charging of field-induced diffuse layers and the second is a volume-diffusion mechanism activated by reaction currents through the particle surface. For the relaxation times of both processes analytic expressions are derived and a critical particle radius is determined. While the response of particles smaller than this radius is mainly determined by the diffuse-layer polarization, the effect of the volume-diffusion mechanism becomes significant around larger particles.
The model is then extended to investigate the effect of surface charge on electrode polarization. Besides the dynamic charging of field-induced diffuse layers and the volume-diffusion processes related to the reaction currents, the numeric solution of the modified PNP system reveals the action of an additional volume-diffusion process caused by the unequal transport rates of anions and cations within the static diffuse covering the charged surface. This mechanism is found to have a second-order effect on the macroscopic polarization response, which is still dominated by the first two mechanisms. While the volume-diffusion process due to the reaction currents remains practically unaffected by the surface charge, a moderate increase of the low-frequency conductivity and the relaxation time as well as a slight reduction of the polarization magnitude with the surface charge are observed if the diffuse-layer relaxation dominates, i.e. in the case of small particles.
In the last part of this thesis, the coupled polarization of Stern and diffuse layers covering dielectric surfaces is treated in a generalized numeric framework. First, this framework is used to model the response of spherical particles and guide the development of an improved analytic model for the coupled polarization of Stern and diffuse layer. Subsequently, it is applied to a cylindrical pore-constriction geometry. In the limiting case of a pure diffuse-layer polarization, the corresponding numeric results can be matched by an improved analytic membrane-polarization model. In both geometries, the response of the Stern layer dominates as long as the charged surfaces are not interconnected at the system scale. With increasing degree of interconnectivity, however, the response of the diffuse layer becomes more important and in the case of fully interconnected surfaces becomes as strong as the response of the Stern layer.
In summary, this thesis brings together significant improvements of analytic models for all relevant induced-polarization mechanisms: Membrane polarization, electrode polarization, and Stern- and diffuse-layer polarization. The carefully validated numeric modelling framework furthermore lays the foundation for the future investigation of more realistic geometrical configurations of the various solid and liquid phases of real geologic materials.},

url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/7886}

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