Lappe, Tim: Non-Markovian Dynamics of Open Bose-Einstein Condensates. - Bonn, 2021. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
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author = {{Tim Lappe}},
title = {Non-Markovian Dynamics of Open Bose-Einstein Condensates},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2021,
month = mar,

note = {Quantum many-body systems coupling photonic and matter degrees of freedom are ideal for the realization of driven open quantum dynamics at the intersection of quantum optics and condensed matter. They offer the possibility to address unresolved issues regarding a variety of non-equilibrium phenomena. In such open systems, the substructure of the reservoir then introduces further timescales that may enter into competition with rapid system processes, raising long-standing questions about the influence of non-Markovian effects on dynamics and equilibration out of equilibrium.
The central result of this thesis is a general pseudo-particle technique that can be applied to a large class of models of interacting light and matter and allows for realistic and efficient simulations of the full non-equilibrium dynamics of these systems. Since organic molecules, as used in experiments with photon condensates, which provide the main area of application for this thesis, possess an electronic transition coupled to vibrational phonon modes, we construct a representation where an auxiliary boson is assigned to each vibrational state of the molecule. An operator constraint then enforces single occupation across all of these states. We emphasize that we implement the operator constraint exactly and that we are the first to apply a faithful auxiliary-boson representation to open quantum systems.
As a contribution to bridging the gap between well-understood equilibrium and less explored non-equilibrium phenomena, we investigate photon condensates as they are driven away from equilibrium. The earliest signs of the non-equilibrium character of the driven-dissipative photon gas do not manifest in the spectrally resolved intensity distribution but in the time dependence of the intensity fluctuations. The energy flow through the system renders it {non-Hermitian} and induces a novel driven-dissipative transition in the second-order correlations characterized by the appearance of exceptional points. If only the static intensity spectrum is monitored, this transition remains unnoticed, as does the fact that the system is not truly in equilibrium. Non-Markovian effects due to the non-separability of system and reservoir timescales are shown to become important far away from equilibrium. Furthermore, we derive a novel photon-condensate Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is capable of describing photo-molecular coherence. Such effects cannot be captured by existing theories and hence serve as a validation of our auxiliary-boson method. These results provide a building block to understanding the properties of the photon condensates in stationary operation where they act as fluctuating light sources. In the future, lattice systems of coupled photon condensates may lead to the appearance of novel driven-dissipative phases of light.},

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