Tang, Ling: Family Migration and Wellbeing of Migrant Workers' Children : Evidence of China's Vocational High School. - Bonn, 2022. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-66346
urn: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-66346,
author = {{Ling Tang}},
title = {Family Migration and Wellbeing of Migrant Workers' Children : Evidence of China's Vocational High School},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2022,
month = may,

note = {This research aims to clarify the wellbeing of migrant workers’ children in vocational education and training (VET) schools at the family level. The study has three main parts: descriptive analysis, quantitative research and qualitative research. The descriptive analysis part aims to identify what variables influence and are influenced by family arrangements; the quantitative part focuses on finding out what factors impact the wellbeing of Chinese migrant workers’ children from four dimensions. The qualitative research part aims to establish why these factors impact the wellbeing of Chinese migrant workers’ children.
In the descriptive analysis part, this study found that the family arrangements of migrant families influence family relationships as well as the wellbeing of migrant workers’ children. Parents’ migration, the distance from the parents’ working place to their hometown, parents’ education level, parents’ time of migration, parents’ age, parents’ marital status and family economic status impact family arrangements. Participants who live in urban areas have a higher possibility of living together with both parents. Additionally, children who live with both parents have better parent-child communication and a higher level of physical health.
The structure for quantitative and qualitative research are based on the life course theory, which includes four dimensions (time, space, relations, and self-adjustment). The first dimension discusses the parents’ migration time and the social cognitive wellbeing of migrant workers’ children (time). The second dimension explores the differences in wellbeing between three groups (left-behind children, youngsters from non-migrant families and migrant youngsters) in outbound (mostly rural) areas and inbound (mostly urban) areas and the reasons (space). The third dimension is focused on the impacts of interpersonal relationships (family relationship, caregiver-child relationship, fellow relationship and teacher-student relationship) on migrant workers’ social cognitive wellbeing (relation). The fourth dimension discusses how to adjust social cognitive wellbeing through the interrelations among family relation variables and social cognitive variables (through structural equation modeling) and what other self-adjustable factors impact the wellbeing of migrant workers’ children. In terms of the methods, linear regression was used in the first three dimensions, and for the fourth dimension, structural equation modeling was used in the quantitative part. Moreover, the research adopted the use of in-depth interviews in the qualitative part.
The results from the study of time dimension shows that the time children spend together with parents matters, especially with fathers. Also, this study found that, as the time period of the father’s migration passes by, male students obtain higher lifelong satisfaction, self-efficacy and academic satisfaction than female students. From the results on the study of space, the migrant workers’ children in inbound areas usually have higher social cognitive wellbeing than those in the outbound areas. The results of the study on the relation dimension proved that family relationship variables have positive impacts on the social cognitive wellbeing of migrant workers’ children, such as family coactivity, attachments, communication, caregiver-child trust and communication, and coactivities. In the self-adjustment dimension, two family-based social cognitive models and their paths have been tested from the dimension of self-adjustment.},

url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/9823}

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