E-Dissertationen: Suche
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Adaptation strategies to climate change in inland valleys in Dano, Burkina Faso
The agriculture in Sub Saharan Africa at many locations is under-performing and lags behind the other continents in terms of yields as well as productivity. The recent progression in the produced quantities is mainly due ...
Zur Approximation allgemeiner optischer Abbildungsmodelle und deren Anwendung auf eine geometrisch basierte Mehrbildzuordnung am Beispiel einer Mehrmedienabbildung
Nicht perspektivische Abbildungen besitzen geometrische Elemente, die auf ihre geometrischen Eigenschaften einen direkten Einfluss haben, im Bereich der Photogrammetrie aber kaum bekannt sind. Ein solches Element ist zum ...
Gravity Field Refinement by Radial Basis Functions from In-situ Satellite Data
In this thesis, an integrated approach is developed for the regional refinement of global gravity field solutions. The analysis concepts are tailored to the in-situ type character of the observations provided by the new ...
Digital Filtering Algorithms for Decorrelation within Large Least Squares Problems
The GOCE (Gravity Field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) mission is dedicated to the determination of the Earth's gravity field. During the mission period of at least one year the GOCE satellite will collect ...
S-Flüsse und räumliche Veränderungen anorganischer und organischer Schwefelfraktionen im Boden sowie deren An- und Abreicherung in der Rhizosphäre landwirtschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen unter partiellem Einsatz des Radioisotops 35S
Durch den in den letzten Jahrzehnten weltweit verstärkt auftretenden S-Mangel ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit einer angemessenen S-Versorgung der Pflanzen. Um dies zu gewährleisten, ist das Wissen über S-Flüsse im Boden bzw. ...
A New Approach for a Kinematic-Dynamic Determination of Low Satellite Orbits Based on GNSS Observations
A new approach for the integrated kinematical-dynamical orbit determination of low flying satellites based on high-low GPS-SST observations is proposed. These observations are code and carrier phase measurements between ...
Stabilisierung von (R)-(+)-Limonen in einer Phospholipid Nanoemulsion mittels Hochdruckhomogenisation
In dieser Arbeit wird eine neuartige Phospholipid Nanoemulsion und ihr Herstellungsprozess detailliert untersucht und ihre Eignung, den instabilen Aromastoff (R)-(+)-Limonen physikalisch und chemisch zu stabilisieren, ...
Algebraic, logical and stochastic reasoning for the automatic prediction of 3d building structures
3D building models are nowadays an important prerequisite for many applications such as rescue management or navigation tasks. However, most approaches for the automatic reconstruction of buildings rely on high-resolution ...
Exact Optimization Algorithms for the Aggregation of Spatial Data
The aggregation of spatial data is a recurring problem in geoinformation science. Aggregating data means subsuming multiple pieces of information into a less complex representation. It is pursued for various reasons, like ...
Farm Animal Welfare: Measurement and Compliance
The present study is divided into two main parts. The first main part aims at evaluating the conception of and compliance with legal and voluntary husbandry standards on Austrian and German pig fattening and cattle ...