E-Dissertationen: Suche
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Etablierung und Anwendung unterschiedlicher kolorimetrischer Detektionsmethoden zur Aktivitätsbestimmung von Modulatoren der ABC-Transporter ABCB1, ABCC1 und ABCG2
Die Überexpression von ABC-Transportproteinen in Krebszellen führt zu Resistenzen gegenüber einem großen Spektrum antineoplastischer Substanzen. ABCB1, ABCC1 und ABCG2 sind die wichtigsten Vertreter, welche zu dieser ...
Influence of disulfide-bonds on structural and functional properties of peptides and proteins - Case studies on FXIIIa inhibitor tridegin and µ-conotoxin PIIIA
Disulfide-bonded peptides have been studied for many decades serving as tools to investigate various biochemical pathways as well as lead structures for drug development for numerous diseases. Among these, the most fatal ...
Entwicklung und Bewertung verschiedener Methoden zur Aktivitätsbestimmung von Ectonucleotidasen und zur Identifizierung von Inhibitoren
Ectonucleotidasen werden ubiquitär im Körper exprimiert und sind an vielen (patho)physiologischen Prozessen beteiligt. Sie sind daher als potentielle Arzneistofftargets von großem Interesse (z. B. in der ...
Massenspektrometrische Analyse von enzymatisch-chemischen Verdaus zur Detektion vonPhotoaffinitätsmarkierungen des ABC-Transporters P-Glykoprotein
Der ATP-binding cassette (ABC) Transporter P-Glykoprotein (P-gp) stellt den aus medizinischer Sicht wichtigsten humanen ABC-Transporter dar. Aufgrund seiner ubiquitären Expression in Geweben mit Barrierefunktion und ...
Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of α,β-methylene-ADP derivatives: potent and selective ecto-5-nucleotidase inhibitors
Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (ecto-5'-NT, eN, CD73, EC is a member of the group of ecto-nucleotidases which dephosphorylate extracellular nucleotides. eN catalyzes the dephosphorylation of nucleoside monophosphates and ......
Chelation as a strategy with the potential to overcome multidrug resistance in cancer
According to the World Health Organisation cancer is the second leading cause of death in industrialized countries. In many cases treatment fails due to the development of resistance against multiple (structurally and ...
Studien zur oxidativen Faltung des Faktor-XIIIa-Inhibitors Tridegin
Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der umfassenden Charakterisierung des Naturstoffs Tridegin. Dieses cysteinreiche, 66 Aminosäuren lange Peptid ist ein spezifischer Inhibitor des letzten Schrittes der Blutgerinnungskaskade, ......
Studies on the oxidative folding of factor XIIIa inhibitor tridegin
This PhD thesis deals with the detailed characterization of the natural compound tridegin. This cysteine-rich 66mer peptide ......
Studies on the oxidative folding of factor XIIIa inhibitor tridegin
This PhD thesis deals with the detailed characterization of the natural compound tridegin. This cysteine-rich 66mer peptide ......
Ionic liquids as novel reaction media for the chemical synthesis of peptides
To seek the best solvent in which the peptide can dissolve is usually a serious challenge in peptide chemical synthesis. Ionic liquids, which are liquid below 100 °C, or even at room temperature, showed an outstanding ...
Targeting the Final Step of Blood Coagulation: Structure-Activity-Relationship Studies on the Factor XIIIa Inhibitor Tridegin
The prophylaxis and therapy of thrombotic diseases is one of the major columns supporting our continuously increasing life expectancy and health. The transglutaminase factor XIIIa (FXIIIa), which is part of the blood ...
Totalsynthesen neuartiger Leupylogs: vereinfachte Strukturanaloga der Leupyrrine
Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt die totalsynthetische Darstellung von neuartigen Strukturanaloga der Leupyrrine. Diese Stoffklasse myxobakterieller Sekundärmetabolite zeichnet sich durch die Kombination einzigartiger ......
Total Synthesis of novel Leupylogs – simplified Structural Analogues of Leupyrrins
This submitted thesis deals with the development of the total synthesis of novel Leupylogs, structural leupyrrin ......
Total Synthesis of novel Leupylogs – simplified Structural Analogues of Leupyrrins
This submitted thesis deals with the development of the total synthesis of novel Leupylogs, structural leupyrrin ......