E-Dissertationen: Suche
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Testing models of galaxy formation and evolution with galaxy-galaxy-galaxy lensing
Explaining the formation and evolution of galaxies is a fundamental issue in modern astronomy. Several competing models try to explain how galaxies form and predict the relationship between galaxies and dark matter. A ...
Weak lensing magnification & baryon acoustic oscillations in galaxy-galaxy lensing
Cosmology is the science that aims to explain the Universe in its entirety. While the standard cosmological model has had tremendous success in explaining independent astrophysical observations, we still lack understanding ...
Halo bias renormalisation
Modern galaxy redshift surveys provide a wealth of information about the evolution of our Universe. They allow to measure both the two-dimensional position on the sky and the distance (given by the cosmological redshift) ...
Testing large scale cosmology with MeerKAT
The cosmic radio dipole is an anisotropy in the number counts of radio sources, analogous to the dipole seen in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Measurements of the radio dipole with large radio surveys have shown ...