E-Dissertationen: Suche
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Three issues of policy implementation in Europe: An applied political economy perspective
This thesis aims to shed light on the political-economic factors explaining the policy outcomes of the following three European political issues:
The first one is the geographic allocation of the three largest ...
The Role of External Shocks in Emerging Market Crises
Essays in Behavioral Economics
This dissertation aims at continuing and expanding three lines of research prominent in behavioral economics today. The first chapter deals with the role of reciprocity in labor contracts and explores which factors ...
Four Contributions to Experimental Economics
In the following four chapters, distinct but related experimental research analyzing strategic and non-strategic economic behavior is presented.
Chapter 2, entitled "Cooperation in Symmetric and Asymmetric Prisoner's ......
Essays on Adaptive Learning with Applications to Monetary Policy
While the concept of rational expectations has become the standard tool of modellingexpectations in macroeconomic models, it has been criticised for its high information and rationality requirements. Moreover, rational ...
Heterogeneity in Economics and Aggregation
Three Essays on Unit Roots and Nonlinear Co-Integrated Processes
Many macroeconomic and financial key variables such as e.g. consumption, investment, gross domestic product and interest rates, display non-stationary features such as trends or changing variances. A non-stationary ...
Evolution in Structured Populations
How does social and economic interaction of agents within large populations depend on their perception of the matching-structure?
When do evolutionary dynamics with limited information processing lead to stable ...