Now showing items 1-10 of 30
Study of Selected Livestock Innovations in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is endowed with significant livestock resources and holds the largest livestock population in Africa, estimated at around 60 million cattle, 60 million sheep and goats, 52 million chickens, 4.5 million camels, 10 ...
Tapping Potentials of Innovation for African Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Growth: an Africa-wide Perspective
While in the past, increased use of inputs and expansion of agricultural land accounted for a good part of agricultural growth in Africa, improvements in productivity will need to be a major driver of growth in the future. ...
Land, Climate, Energy, Agriculture and Development in the Sahel: Synthesis paper of case studies under the Sudano-Sahelian Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security
This paper synthesizes a set of national case studies conducted in the Sahelian countries during 2019-2020 as a collaboration between national universities and research institutes, and the Center for Development Research ...
From agricultural to economic growth: Targeting investments across Africa
This paper examines whether investment in the agriculture and food sectors in Africa significantly increases overall economic growth and, hence, reduces food and nutrition insecurity. To this end, the study examines the ...
Decentralized Seed Services in Africa: An Assessment of Tanzania and Uganda
The overall goal of decentralizing seed services is to increase the availability and accessibility of quality seed to farmers. The governments of Uganda and Tanzania have endeavoured to enhance access to improved seed for ...
Harvesting Solar Power in India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set an ambitious target of 100,000 MW of solar power capacity to be achieved by 2022, when India celebrates 75 years of her independence. This is a grand vision for ushering in a sort of ...
Frontier analysis and agricultural typologies
PARI’s main goal is to contribute to sustainable agricultural growth and food security in Africa and India by supporting the scaling of proven innovations in the agri-food sector in collaboration with all relevant actors. ...
How could science–policy interfaces boost food system transformation?: Food Systems Summit Brief Prepared by Research Partners of the Scientific Group for the Food Systems Summit, May 14th 2021
The world’s food systems must be transformed to make healthier diets more accessible for all, while increasing the sustainability and resilience of these systems, as clearly called for in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable ...
Agricultural Credit System in India: Evolution, Effectiveness and Innovations
Indian agriculture is dominated by smallholders. With an average holding size of just 1.08 ha (in 2015-16), and 86 percent of holdings being of less than 2 ha size, Indian agriculture produces sufficient food, feed, and ...
Skill Development in Indian Agriculture and Food Processing Sectors: A Scoping Exercise
The a griculture and food sector in India employ a significant proportion (about 44 percent) of the workforce, the majority of whom are not very educated and lack formal or informal skill training. Hence, they are unable ...