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ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2017, Vol. 5, No 1: The Juncker Commission: Second Year Review
2016 ended for the European Union after a year of permanent damage control. Despite being confronted with mounting challenges, the European Commission continued the implementation of its ten policy priorities. This edition ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2015, Vol. 3, No 3: The Juncker Commission: First Year Review
his issue of the FEO monitors and assesses the on-going work of the European Commission and traces the implementation of its annual work programme on the basis of the ten priorities outlined by Commission President Jean-Claude ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2015, Vol. 3, No 1
During his first three months as Commission President, Jean Claude Juncker has implemented considerable changes to the organisation of the European Commission and committed himself and his team to achieving the priorities ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2014, Vol. 2, No 3: European Energy Policy
Following recent events in Ukraine and with winter fast approaching, energy policy and energy security of the European Union is an issue of great concern for individual citizens and governments alike. As EU member states ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2022, Vol.10, No 1: Kick-off for the European Green Deal despite COVID
This issue of the ZEI Future of Europe Observer takes stock of the implementation of the annual work programs of the Von der Leyen Commission. It includes analyses on the progress being made within the Commission’s six ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, Vol. 11 No. 2 June 2023: Conflicting Goals and Challenges of EU Economic Policy
„Eine Wirtschaft im Dienste der Menschen“ nannte die Europäische Kommission in ihrem Arbeitsprogramm ihre dritte Priorität. Sie verfolgt mit diesem Bereich das Ziel, die soziale Marktwirtschaft der EU weiterzuentwickeln ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2023, Vol. 11, No 1: Time for the EU to prove itself
Diese Ausgabe des ZEI Future of Europe Observer zieht Bilanz über die Durchführung des Jahresarbeitsprogramms der Von der Leyen Kommission. Sie enthält Analysen über den Fortschritt innerhalb der sechs politische Prioritäten ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2019, Vol. 7, No 1: The Juncker Commission: Outlook for 2019
In this „Future of Europe Observer“, ZEI Fellows and Alumni provide our annual assessment on the work progress of the Juncker Commission in 2018 and evaluate the challenges for the final year of the Juncker presidency. ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2018, Vol. 6, No 1: The Juncker Commission: Outlook for 2018
In this "Future of Europe Observer", ZEI Fellows and Alumni provide our annual assessment on the work progress of the Juncker Commission in 2017 and evaluate the challenges for 2018. This analysis is based on the ZEI ...
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, Vol. 11 No. 3 November 2023: The European Green Deal - A paradigm shift with obstacles
2019 kündigte die EU-Kommission mit dem European Green Deal das ehrgeizigste und umfassendste Projekt der globalen Umweltpolitik an. In dieser Ausgabe des Future of Europe Observer geht es um die Umsetzung, wie Umweltpolitik ...