Now showing items 1-4 of 4
“Divine Dependency” in Ancient Judaism and Emerging Christianity: Reflections and Case Studies
This paper provides insights into the author’s current project, which looks at “divine
dependency” in texts of ancient Judaism (from the Second Temple period) and emerging
Christianity. The first part identifies aims ...
Dependency, Subjugation and Survival: A Working Paper on the Jaina Culture in Medieval Karnataka, South India
This paper investigates the changing position of the Jaina religious community in the south
Indian State of Karnataka in premodern times. From the early fifth century onwards, the
influence of the Jainas in the region ...
Dependency at the Centre and Periphery of the Tibetan Empire: Sayings, Doings and Interagency
This paper presents a microhistory of ninth-century asymmetrical social relations in the centre
and on the periphery of the Tibetan empire (ca. 600–850 CE), as well as relations between the
periphery and the centre. ...
El(-GOD) as “Father in Regalness”. Mine M in Serabit el Khadim as a Middle-Bronze-Age (c. 1900 BC) Working Space sacralised by Early Alefbetic Writing
This paper grew out of an archaeological field season conducted in southwestern Sinai by the Department of Egyptology at the University of Bonn during November and December 2022. It specifically discusses the social and ...