Arista Zerga, Adriana; Garay Doig, Carolina: Museos, arte y memoria en el Perú : entre la controversia y la reparación simbólica. In: Notas de Antropología de las Américas. 1, 105-138.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc:
author = {{Adriana Arista Zerga} and {Carolina Garay Doig}},
title = {Museos, arte y memoria en el Perú : entre la controversia y la reparación simbólica},
publisher = {Abteilung für Altamerikanistik, Universität Bonn},
year = 2022,
journal = {Notas de Antropología de las Américas},
volume = 1,
pages = 105--138,
note = {When museums and art join to the memory linked to a violent conflict, they are constituted in controversial spaces, exposed to the prevalence of various memories and discourses that seek to legitimize or delegitimize them. In this work we will focus on the Peruvian case, shown through artistic experiences and musealization, how art and museography can go beyond this controversial character, opening a path towards symbolic reparations and dignification of the victims and their families.},
url = {}

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