Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Peasant Dependencies in Medieval Islam: Whose Agency in Food Production and Migration?
Medieval feudalism, while it took different forms in different parts of the world, shared one
common characteristic: the military, political, and economy foundations of society were
constructed with peasant labor. The ...
“Free Like Other Freeborn People” or Just Another Form of Dependency?: Questioning the Situation of Manumitted Slaves in Early Modern Istanbul
This paper aims to present some thoughts and research findings related to my ongoing project on Ottoman slavery and dependency. The project, entitled “Spatial and Social Mobility of Slaves from the Black Sea Region in ......
Dependency, Subjugation and Survival: A Working Paper on the Jaina Culture in Medieval Karnataka, South India
This paper investigates the changing position of the Jaina religious community in the south
Indian State of Karnataka in premodern times. From the early fifth century onwards, the
influence of the Jainas in the region ...
Slavery in Eighteenth Century Mongolia: Transactions in People and Notions of Property According to the Qanggin Banner Archives
This paper investigates moments of transition in which people were forced into dependency,
or had to change from one relationship of asymmetrical dependency to another. It is argued
that these transitions were backed ...
Dependency at the Centre and Periphery of the Tibetan Empire: Sayings, Doings and Interagency
This paper presents a microhistory of ninth-century asymmetrical social relations in the centre
and on the periphery of the Tibetan empire (ca. 600–850 CE), as well as relations between the
periphery and the centre. ...
Transcending Boundaries: Rethinking Slave Agency in the Ottoman Empire Through Religious Conversion Practices
This article explores the religious conversion of slaves in the Ottoman Empire and the Crimea
as a profound and transforming event in the lives of slaves. We will analyze the conditions,
reasons, and consequences of ...