Barker, James; Bulin, Johannes; Hamaekers, Jan; Mathias, Sonja: Localized Coulomb descriptors for the Gaussian Approximation Potential. In: INS Preprints, 1604.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc:
author = {{James Barker} and {Johannes Bulin} and {Jan Hamaekers} and {Sonja Mathias}},
title = {Localized Coulomb descriptors for the Gaussian Approximation Potential},
publisher = {Institut für Numerische Simulation (INS)},
year = 2016,
month = feb,

INS Preprints},
volume = 1604,
note = {We introduce a novel class of localized atomic environment representations, based upon the Coulomb matrix. By combining these functions with the Gaussian approximation potential approach, we present LC-GAP, a new system for generating atomic potentials through machine learning (ML). Tests on the QM7, QM7b and GDB9 biomolecular datasets demonstrate that potentials created with LC-GAP can successfully predict atomization energies for molecules larger than those used for training to chemical accuracy, and can (in the case of QM7b) also be used to predict a range of other atomic properties with accuracy in line with the recent literature. As the best-performing representation has only linear dimensionality in the number of atoms in a local atomic environment, this represents an improvement both in prediction accuracy and computational cost when considered against similar Coulomb matrix-based methods.},
url = {}

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