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A gradient sampling method on algebraic varieties and application to nonsmooth low-rank optimization

dc.contributor.authorHosseini, Seyedehsomayeh
dc.contributor.authorUschmajew, André
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, a nonsmooth optimization method for locally Lipschitz functions on real algebraic varieties is developed. To this end, the set-valued map ε-conditional subdifferential x → ∂Nεf(x) := ∂εf(x) + N (x) is introduced, where ∂εf(x) is the Goldstein-ε-subdifferential and N (x) is a closed convex cone at x. It is proved that negative of the shortest ε-conditional subgradient provides a descent direction in T (x), which denotes the polar of N (x). The ε-conditional subdifferential at an iterate x can be approximated by a convex hull of a finite set of projected gradients at sampling points in x + εBT(x) (0, 1) to T(x), where T(x) is a linear space in the Bouligand tangent cone and BT(x)(0, 1) denotes the unit ball in T(x). The negative of the shortest vector in this convex hull is shown to be a descent direction in the Bouligand tangent cone at x. The proposed algorithm makes a step along this descent direction with a certain step-size rule, followed by a retraction to lift back to points on the algebraic variety ℳ. The convergence of the resulting algorithm to a critical point is proved. For numerical illustration, the considered method is applied to some nonsmooth problems on varieties of low-rank matrices Mr of real M × N matrices of rank at most r, specifically robust low-rank matrix approximation and recovery in the presence of outliers.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesINS Preprints ; 1624
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.subjectLipschitz function
dc.subjectdescent direction
dc.subjectClarke subdifferential
dc.subjectalgebraic varieties
dc.subjectRiemannian manifolds
dc.subjectrobust low-rank matrix recovery
dc.subject.ddc510 Mathematik
dc.subject.ddc518 Numerische Analysis
dc.titleA gradient sampling method on algebraic varieties and application to nonsmooth low-rank optimization
dc.publisher.nameInstitut für Numerische Simulation (INS)

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