E-Dissertationen: Auflistung E-Dissertationen nach Titel
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Asymmetries in Contests and Women in Academia
Vosen, Agnes (2017-10-30)This doctoral thesis is devided in three chapters. In chapter one, reference dependence is intruduced in an unfair tournament. Using a standard distribution, two equilibria can be shown that are not considered in liturature ... -
Die Auswirkungen des Geldwäschegesetzes (GwG) auf die leichtfertige Geldwäsche gemäß § 261 Abs. 5 StGB
Scholz, Yannick Joshua Robert (2020-10-20)Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, ob und inwiefern Verstöße gegen das wirtschaftsaufsichtsrechtliche Geldwäschegesetz die strafrechtliche Leichtfertigkeit im Sinne des § 261 Abs. 5 StGB, dem Tatbestand der leichtfertigen ... -
Behavioral effects of corporate governance reforms and their legal implications
Ziółkowska, Monika (2016-12-06)Empirical research provides important insights into legal questions within the realm of corporate governance law. My first research project serves as an example of empirical research informing policy choices. My second ... -
Behavioral-Self-Management: A Model Case for Fundamental Empirical Legal Research
Tontrup, Stephan (2023-08-08)The empirical evidence seems to overwhelmingly suggest that endowment effects have a significant impact on the private exchange of goods and the functioning of the legal system. Jury decisions, claims for damages and ... -
Bounded Rationality, Heterogeneity and Learning
Matzke, Christina (2009-07-27)The dissertation deals with both a model in which agents with limited information conform to a learning rule, as well as boundedly rational consumers who follow simple rules of thumb. The first case is treated within a ... -
Common Ownership: A European and German Competition Law Perspective
Kaufmann, Jan (2024-08-07)Common ownership - overlapping minority shareholdings of institutional investors in competing firms - has sparked debate in recent years about its potential anticompetitive effects. In this context, the ways in which ... -
Confessio zwischen Beichte und Geständnis: Eine dogmengeschichtliche Betrachtung über die Entwicklung des Schuldbekenntnisses vom römischen Recht bis zum IV. Lateranum
Freiherr von Soden, Henning (2010-09-27)Dogmengeschichtliche Betrachtung über die Entwicklung des Schuldbekenntnisses vom römischen Recht bis zum IV. Lateranum (im römischen, germanisch-deutschen und kirchlichen Recht). -
The Conflict of Laws of Data Protection: A Contribution on the Interaction between the Substantive Law of the European Union and the Conflict of Laws
Krysa, Felix (2024-10-31)The protection of personal data is attracting legislative attention. Legislators around the world have enacted data protection regulations, and also the European legislator has tightened the enforcement of data protection ... -
Contracting in the Presence of Uncertainty
Lang, Matthias (2012-08-24)This thesis concerns the enforcement of contracts in the presence of uncertainty. Sometimes uncertainty is exogenously given and the agents cannot influence its existence. Frequently, however, there is strategic uncertainty ... -
A Contribution to Functional Data Analysis
Wagner, Heiko (2016-11-18)Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA) approximates a sample curve as a linear combination of orthogonal basis functions. It is often possible to describe the essential parts of the variations of functional data ... -
A contribution to the determinants of total factor productivity growth
Schiffbauer, Marc (2008)Why do some countries grow and others stagnate? The Science magazine considers this question as one of the 125 "most compelling puzzles and questions facing scientists today'' (Science magazine (2005)). Indeed, the successful ... -
Contributions to Functional Data Analysis With a Focus on Points of Impact in Functional Regression
Poß, Dominik Johannes (2018-05-16)The focus of this thesis is on the estimation of an unknown number of unknown specific locations (points of impact) at which a functional predictor has a specific effect on a real valued dependent variable.<br /> Two general ... -
CPPI Strategies in Discrete Time
Brandl, Michael (2009-11-17)In general, the purpose of portfolio insurance strategies is to limit the downside risk of risky portfolios. The constant proportion portfolio insurance (CPPI) is a prominent example of a portfolio insurance strategy. Based ... -
Decisions, Behavior and Societal Challenges
Han, Hua-Jing (2021-05-19)This thesis has two aims, first, to contribute to the scientific understanding of human behavior and decisions, namely, social preferences (here: reciprocity), belief formation, and goal setting and feedback. Second, to ... -
Denkmalschutz und Eigentumsgewährleistung im deutschen und russischen Recht: Eine rechtsvergleichende Darstellung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtslage in Nordrhein-Westfalen und dem Gebiet Leningrad
Davydov, Dimitrij (2010-09-28)Die kulturelle Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Russischen Föderation – seit 1993 in einem gesonderten Abkommen verankert – sollte, neben anderen kulturell relevanten Feldern, auch die Kooperation ... -
Deregulation and Bank Performance: An Empirical Study for the US
Lin, Lin (2006)Recent deregulation tide has greatly changed the landscape of global banking industry. The idea of “universal banking” or “financial supermarket” is gaining appeal in many countries in the world. US, the world’s biggest ... -
Determinants of Human Capital Formation
Stans, Renske Adriana (2020-08-25)Human capital is crucial for individuals’ economic prosperity. As such, differences in human capital are largely responsible for existing inequalities within society, making it essential to understand the determinants of ... -
Die Grenzen der elterlichen Sorge bei der Veröffentlichung von Bildern und Videos des eigenen Kindes in sozialen Netzwerken und auf Video-Sharing-Plattformen
Dannecker, Sophie Julia (2024-07-05)Kinderbilder und -videos sind aus sozialen Netzwerken und von Video-Sharing-Plattformen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Oftmals sind es Eltern selbst, die diese Inhalte teilen. Sie erschaffen dadurch eine weltweit abrufbare, ... -
Digital Platforms and Social Networks: Three Essays in Microeconomic Theory
Risco, Miguel (2025-01-20)This dissertation consists of three self-contained chapters that employ theoretical methods to shed light on the effects of personalization algorithms in social media platforms, the role of rating systems on streaming ... -
Dynamic Matching and Bargaining Games: Towards a General Perspective
Lauermann, Stephan (2007)"<i>Nature</i> makes no jumps," according to a famous saying - but what about economies? Is <i>economic</i> welfare continuous in the size of the frictions of trading and do the welfare theorems hold approximately when ...