Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Women in African Agriculture: Integrating Women into Value Chains to Build a Stronger Sector
Women are under-acknowledged participants in Africa’s agriculture and food sector, supplying a large share of the labour, but facing significant obstacles, including unequal access to land, traditional division of labour, ...
From Potentials to Reality: Transforming Africa’s Food Production: Investment and policy priorities for sufficient, nutritious and sustainable food supplies
This study identifies ways in which Africa can realize its potential to secure a supply of food for affordable and healthy diets through the sustainable use of its own resources. The focus is on investment, cooperation, ...
Agricultural Innovations at the Technological Frontier in India
Innovations in agriculture hold the key to unlocking sustainable, inclusive growth potential while securing employment opportunities for young people. In India, this has given rise to a new generation of entrepreneurs and ...
Von den Potenzialen zur Realität: Wie die afrikanische Lebensmittelproduktion gesteigert werden kann: Investitionen und politische Prioritäten für eine ausreichende, nährstoffreiche und nachhaltige Lebensmittelversorgung
Diese Studie zeigt Wege auf, wie Afrika sein Potenzial zur Sicherung der Versorgung mit Nahrungsmitteln für eine erschwingliche und gesunde Ernährung durch die nachhaltige Nutzung seiner eigenen Ressourcen ausschöpfen kann. ...
Leveling the playing field for women in African agriculture: Interventions to address gender-based inequalities
Women provide about 40% of agricultural labour in Africa (albeit with variations across countries), excluding time allocated to livestock, food processing and marketing. Most of that time is spent on crop production. Despite ...
Mechanizing African Agriculture: Drivers, Barriers and Benefits
Agricultural technologies that reduce the need for intensive manual labour make it possible for farmers to cultivate more land more effectively. This can increase both incomes and total food production, with significant ...
Ausländische Direktinvestitionen im Nahrungsmittel- und Agrarsektor Afrikas: Wie ein besseres Verständnis und eine bessere Ausrichtung von Investitionen ein leistungsfähiges Entwicklungswerkzeug freisetzen könnten
Trotz der Bemühungen der afrikanischen Regierungen, ausländische Direktinvestitionen (DI) in ihren Nahrungsmittel- und Agrarsektor anzuziehen, und der damit verbundenen Gegenkritik wurden überraschend wenig Untersuchungen ...
Foreign Direct Investments In Africa’s Food And Agriculture Sector: How understanding and channeling FDI better could unlock a powerful development tool
Despite African governments’ efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into their food and agriculture sector and the counter-criticism this has provoked, surprisingly little research has been conducted to better ...
Realizing the potential of digital technologies for agricultural development in Africa: Towards affordable, usable and integrated ICT solutions
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly accessible and affordable worldwide. This trend has raised high expectations regarding their potential to revolutionize smallholder agriculture by providing ...
Doubling the Maize Yield in Africa through better Crop Management: Results from a crop simulation model to inform policy and research
Despite the importance of maize as a staple crop for food security in Africa, yields in the region are very low in comparison to the rest of the world. To keep up with growing demand, increasing the productivity of Africa’s ...