Anzeige der Dokumente 1-10 von 102
Uzbekistan – A Region of World Society (?) Variants of Differentiation in Agricultural Resources Governance
This article studies the layered coexistence and mutual shaping of three forms of differentiation (functional, segmentary, hierarchical) in rural Uzbekistan, a region of world society that, since 1991, is undergoing ...
Markets, order and noise: two contributions to a comprehensive understanding of modern markets
Markets are a central feature of modern society. As such, it comes as no surprise that
they constitute a popular subject of research in (economic) sociology, where they are
observed from various analytical perspectives ...
COVID-19: Emergence, spread and its impact on the Indian economy and migrant workers
This study examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the related nationwide lockdown on the Indian economy, particularly on food systems. It also takes up an important issue of millions of migrant workers in India ...
From Potentials to Reality: Transforming Africa’s Food Production: Investment and policy priorities for sufficient, nutritious and sustainable food supplies
This study identifies ways in which Africa can realize its potential to secure a supply of food for affordable and healthy diets through the sustainable use of its own resources. The focus is on investment, cooperation, ...
Von den Potenzialen zur Realität: Wie die afrikanische Lebensmittelproduktion gesteigert werden kann: Investitionen und politische Prioritäten für eine ausreichende, nährstoffreiche und nachhaltige Lebensmittelversorgung
Diese Studie zeigt Wege auf, wie Afrika sein Potenzial zur Sicherung der Versorgung mit Nahrungsmitteln für eine erschwingliche und gesunde Ernährung durch die nachhaltige Nutzung seiner eigenen Ressourcen ausschöpfen kann. ...
Cost of Ending Hunger – Consequences of Complacency, and Financial Needs for SDG2 Achievement
This study follows from an earlier assessment carried out by ZEF and FAO in 2020, which identified policy actions and investments needed to achieve SDG2 by 2030. The 2020 study used a marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) ...
How kinship and marriage customs influence nutritional outcomes among males and females
Malnutrition in its various forms is a serious problem in many countries, contributing to human suffering, large healthcare costs, and hampered economic and human development. While various policies to reduce malnutrition ...
Temporary migration decisions and effects on household income and diets in rural Bangladesh
Temporary migration is a widely observed phenomenon among poor rural households, mostly related to agricultural seasonality. However, household preferences for temporary migration in comparison to longer-term migration, ...
Rank, stress, and risk: A conjecture
A perception at the core of studies that consider the link between social rank and stress (typically measured by the so-called stress hormone cortisol) is that the link is direct. Examples of such studies are Bartolomucci ...
The modification of social space as a tool for lowering social stress
The social stress experienced by an individual from having a low relative income or from having a low income-based rank is a derivative of the individual’s location in social space, and is the outcome of unfavorable ...