Fakultäten der Universität Bonn: Suche
Anzeige der Dokumente 1-10 von 13
Historical Implications of the Early Classic Hieroglyphic Text CPN 3033 on the Sculptured Step of Structure 10L 11-Sub-12 at Copan
This paper examines the hieroglyphic text carved on an Early Classic hieroglyphic step found in 1935 in Copan Structure 10L-11-Sub-12.
Tz'atz' Nah, a "New" Term in the Classic Mayan Lexicon
The inscriptions of Palenque provide us with a number of extended narrative texts that are rich sources of Classic Maya terms for various classes of objects, used both in simple descriptions and in metaphorical contexts. ...
A Possible Logograph XAN “Palm” in Maya Writing
This epigraphic note explores the idea that Maya scribes invented and used a sign for “palm, guano” in their writing system. Epigraphic and linguistic data strongly support our hypothesis that the graph A27 renders the ...
Jun Yop Ixiim – Another Appellative for the Ancient Maya Maize God
The present note will discuss a new reading of the initial hieroglyphic block (D1) of K’inich Janaab Pakal II’s (henceforth: Pakal) nominal phrase as recorded in the inscription on the Oval Palace Tablet at Palenque.
Jahresabschlussbericht 2015
Die nur teilweise entzifferte Hieroglyphenschrift und Sprache der Mayakultur steht im Mittelpunkt des hier zur Diskussion stehenden Forschungsprojekts, das in Kooperation zwischen den Universitäten Bonn und Göttingen ...
Annual Report for 2015
The only partially deciphered Maya hieroglyphic script and language constitute the primary focus of this research project, which has been carried out cooperatively by the University of Bonn and the Göttingen State and ...
Jahresabschlussbericht 2014
Die nur teilweise entzifferte Hieroglyphenschrift und Sprache der Mayakultur steht im Mittelpunkt des hier zur Diskussion stehenden Forschungsprojekts, das in Kooperation zwischen den Universitäten Bonn und Göttingen ...
Annual Report for 2014
The incompletely deciphered hieroglyphic script and language of the Maya constitutes the primary focus of the research project under discussion here, which is being carried out cooperatively by the Universities of Bonn and ...
Evaluating the Digital Documentation Process from 3D Scan to Drawing
The "Text Database and Dictionary of Classic Mayan" project acquired a Breuckmann smartSCAN C5 structured-light scanner for high-resolution and three-dimensional documentation of Maya artefacts with inscriptions. Renderings ...
Meilenstein-Bericht 2014-2016
Gegenstand des Projektes ist ein unvollständig entziffertes, komplexes Schriftsystem und unser Ziel ist es, dieses weitgehend mit Hilfe digitaler Werkzeuge zu entschlüsseln und die zugrunde liegende Sprache in einem ...