Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Embodied Dependencies and Valencian Slavery in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
The aim of this article is to investigate slavery in the Kingdom of Valencia in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries. As we will see, slavery can be analysed in a perspective of both global
history and micro-history, ...
Theorie und Methode der Analyse asymmetrischer Formen von Abhängigkeit: Eine (global)rechtshistorische Perspektive
This working paper aims to contribute to the transdisciplinary debates on how to analyze
asymmetric forms of dependency at the BCDSS from the perspective of a legal historian inter ested in global legal history and working ...
The Numerus Clausus Law of 1920: Asymmetrical Dependencies, and the “Twisted Road” of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz
This working paper examines the impact of the infamous numerus clausus legislation of 1920, which limited the share of Jewish students at institutions of higher learning to their proportion of the population, on incoming ......
“Free Like Other Freeborn People” or Just Another Form of Dependency?: Questioning the Situation of Manumitted Slaves in Early Modern Istanbul
This paper aims to present some thoughts and research findings related to my ongoing project on Ottoman slavery and dependency. The project, entitled “Spatial and Social Mobility of Slaves from the Black Sea Region in ......
Transcending Boundaries: Rethinking Slave Agency in the Ottoman Empire Through Religious Conversion Practices
This article explores the religious conversion of slaves in the Ottoman Empire and the Crimea
as a profound and transforming event in the lives of slaves. We will analyze the conditions,
reasons, and consequences of ...
Prostitution / Servitude / Slavery: Picturing Female Dependencies in Seventeenth Century Amsterdam
This working paper seeks to explore the concept of asymmetrical dependency from an art and
cultural historical perspective. Prostitution and sex work are central domains in which female
dependency was negotiated and ...
Historiography and Archaeology, the Adventus Saxonum, and the Politics of the Early Middle Ages
In this interview, the editors and the interviewee discuss contemporary approaches to the study of ethnic identity in the context of the end of Roman Britain and migration to Britain from across the North Sea. A discussion ...
Julian’s Batavian campaign, an embezzlement trial in Britain, and barbarian access to the Annona Militaris
In his Epitaphios for the emperor Julian, composed in Antioch at some point between 365 and 368, Libanius describes an embezzlement trial which was held most likely in A.D. 359, in which Julian ruled against the accused, ...