Kariuki, Juliet; Yameogo, Viviane; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina; Chagunda, Mizeck: Do African livestock policies address sustainability trade-offs? Evidence from Kenya, Zambia, and Burkina Faso. Hohenheim: University of Hohenheim, 2022. In: Hohenheim Working Papers on Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development, 013-2022.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc: https://doi.org/10.48565/bonndoc-134
doi: https://doi.org/10.48565/bonndoc-134,
author = {{Juliet Kariuki} and {Viviane Yameogo} and {Thomas Daum} and {Regina Birner} and {Mizeck Chagunda}},
title = {Do African livestock policies address sustainability trade-offs? Evidence from Kenya, Zambia, and Burkina Faso},
publisher = {University of Hohenheim},
year = 2022,
month = apr,

series = {Hohenheim Working Papers on Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development},
volume = 013-2022,
note = {The livestock revolution has the potential to reduce poverty and (hidden) hunger but can also be associated with a “long shadow”, that are potential sustainability trade-offs, including regarding environmental and human health as well as animal welfare. As livestock development is high on the agenda of policymakers across Africa this report reviews the flagship livestock policies of three African countries, Kenya, Zambia, and Burkina Faso, to assess the extent to which trade-offs in livestock development have been incorporated. While all three case countries are committed to livestock development and have dedicated livestock policies and programs, the results suggest that several trade-offs including adverse environmental impacts, uneven distribution of socio-economic benefits between men and women, negative animal and human nutritional outcomes receive minimal attention in the reviewed policies. To address these challenges, the report calls for more integrated approaches in policy making processes, and presents potential strategies to engage a wider set of stakeholders to compensate for any blindspots in the design and implementation of livestock policies.},
url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/11028}

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