Griebel, Michael; Harbrecht, Helmut: A note on the construction of L-fold sparse tensor product spaces. In: INS Preprints, 1205.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc:
author = {{Michael Griebel} and {Helmut Harbrecht}},
title = {A note on the construction of L-fold sparse tensor product spaces},
publisher = {Institut für Numerische Simulation (INS)},
year = 2012,
month = apr,

INS Preprints},
volume = 1205,
note = {In the present paper, we consider the construction of general sparse tensor product spaces in arbitrary space dimensions when the single subdomains are of different dimensionality and the associated ansatz spaces possess different approximation properties. Our theory extends the results from [10] for the construction of two-fold sparse tensor product space to arbitrary L-fold sparse tensor product spaces.},
url = {}

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