E-Dissertationen: Search
Now showing items 1-10 of 540
Comparison of DRIS and critical level approach for evaluating nutrition status of wheat in District Hyderabad, Pakistan
Intensive cropping systems, improper use of fertilizers or no fertilizer application, and unreliable and poor quality of irrigation water have led to declining soil fertility in the district of Hyderabad, Pakistan. To date, ...
Interrelationships between mutualistic endophytic microorganisms, the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and the sap-sucking insect Aphis gossypii on tomato, squash and Arabidopsis
The effects of single and combined applications of three endophytic microorganisms on the biocontrol of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and the sap-sucking insect Aphis gossypii in tomato, squash and Arabidopsis ......
Interaktion zwischen mutualistischen endophytischen Mikroorganismen, der Wurzelgallennematode Meloidogyne incognita und dem Phloem-saugenden Insekt Aphis gossypii an Tomate, Zucchini und Arabidopsis
Interaktion zwischen mutualistischen endophytischen Mikroorganismen, der Wurzelgallennematode Meloidogyne incognita und dem Phloem-saugenden Insekt Aphis gossypii an Tomate, Zucchini und Arabidopsis
Heterogeneity of soil properties at the field-scale and spatial patterns of soil-borne pests and weeds
Soil heterogeneity at the field-scale not only affects crop growth and yield, but also spatial patterns of soil-borne pests and weeds. Therefore, site-specific management in due consideration of soil variability is required ...
Optimising nitrogen use in dairy farming: Evaluation of ruminal crude protein degradation and protein value of forages
A major goal of modern dairy farming is to decrease nitrogen inputs and increase efficiency of nitrogen utilisation by the dairy cow in order to minimise environmental pollution and save on expensive nitrogen supplements. ...
Farm Animal Welfare: Measurement and Compliance
The present study is divided into two main parts. The first main part aims at evaluating the conception of and compliance with legal and voluntary husbandry standards on Austrian and German pig fattening and cattle ...
Bioactive Compounds in Underutilized Tropical Fruits from Latin America
A vast number of plant species originating from Latin America bear delicious fruits, which are hardly known beyond its regional borders. Many of these underutilized fruits may offer a great potential for an intensified ......
Hepatic and muscular transcriptomic responses of porcine progeny to gestational diets varying in protein content
Inadequate maternal protein supply during gestation represents an environmental factor that is known to affect physiological signaling pathways and impacts the phenotype of the progeny in animal models and in humans with ...
Empirical analysis of farm structural change at EU-level
The drastic changes of the European farm structure have led to plenty of research on farm structural change with recent studies focusing more and more on regional differences and spatial interaction of farmers. The thesis ...
Vermicomposting of Organic Solid Wastes as a Biological Treatment for Sanitation
More than 38 billion m3 of organic solid wastes (OSW) are produced annually from human, livestock and crop activities worldwide. To achieve the Millennium Development Goal for sanitation (MDG7), several alternatives ......
Vermikompostierung organischer Abfälle als biologische Maßnahme zur Wiederverwertung und Hygienisierung
Jährlich werden weltweit 38 Milliarden Kubikmeter organischer Abfall produziert, der sich aus ......
Vermikompostierung organischer Abfälle als biologische Maßnahme zur Wiederverwertung und Hygienisierung
Jährlich werden weltweit 38 Milliarden Kubikmeter organischer Abfall produziert, der sich aus ......
Biological control of leaf pathogens of tomato plants by Bacillus subtilis (strain FZB24): antagonistic effects and induced plant resistance
Bacillus subtilis reisolated from the biological control agents FZB24® and Phytovit® has shown promising results against several pathogens causing important foliar tomato diseases (late blight, ...