Makhloof, Atef Abd-Elhakeem: The Use of Topographic-Isostatic Mass Information in Geodetic Applications. - Bonn, 2007. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc:
author = {{Atef Abd-Elhakeem Makhloof}},
title = {The Use of Topographic-Isostatic Mass Information in Geodetic Applications},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2007,
note = {The gravity field effects of the topographic-isostatic masses represent an important information of the high-frequent part of the gravity field.
In this work the physical-mathematical basics of the classical topographic-isostatic models are presented. These models are formulated mathematically with the emphasis on a spherical approximation from the modelling point of view and on the observables of airborne gravimetry but also of the modern satellite techniques from the application point of view.
Besides the representation of the topographic-isostatic mass effects by volume integrals, discretized by spherical volume elements, the representations by series of spherical harmonics and space localizing base functions are considered. Detailed formulae are presented for the direct and secondary indirect topographical effect as well as for the primary indirect topographical effect in the geoid heights for the different representations.
Finally, extended test computations give an impression of the size and distribution of the various effects for regional and global test areas with different resolutions of the topography.},

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