Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Die Bürgergesellschaft als Motor der europäischen Integration: Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit deutscher und slowakischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen
Vom 25. bis 27. Juni 1999 fand am Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bonn (GSI) ein von der Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA) und dem GSI organisierter Kongreß zum Thema „Europäische Integration – Perspektiven der ...
September 11 and the future of the Euro-mediterranean cooperation
The papers presented here are the result of a joint conference held by the Center for European Integration Study and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in December 2002 and thus part of a larger project of cooperation dealing ...
The CSCE as a model to transform western relations with the greater middle east
The last months have seen numerous proposals for a profound change of the relations between the Greater Middle East, Europe and the United States. One of the most far-reaching and ambitious plans was put forward by the ...
“In the spirit of Oscar Romero”?!: The Oscar Romero House/Bonn as a Negotiated Space of Social Activism
As the sociologist Thomas F. Gieryn argues, buildings give structure to social networks and persistence to behavioural patterns. This essay focuses on the Oscar Romero House (ORH) in Bonn/Germany as a dynamic and historically ...