Basi, Sabin: Deposits of foliar-applied herbicides : characterization and relevance for bio-efficacy as evaluated in selected weed species. - Bonn, 2013. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
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author = {{Sabin Basi}},
title = {Deposits of foliar-applied herbicides : characterization and relevance for bio-efficacy as evaluated in selected weed species},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2013,
month = oct,

note = {The main focus is to elucidate and characterize the effect of formulation on the deposition patterns and the consequences for the foliar uptake of herbicides, either through cuticular or stomatal pathways. Glyphosate (Gly) and diquat were chosen as model hydrophilic, systemic or contact foliar applied herbicides. The formulations were prepared either with surfactants or hygroscopic salts. The ethoxylated rapeseed oil (RSO) surfactants of different number of ethylene oxide (EO) units were added to affect the deposition behaviour of active ingredients on the leaves. Likewise, to understand the stomatal uptake process, hygroscopic salts were added to the formulation to induce hydraulic activation of stomata (HAS). The formulation droplets were applied on plant leaves with kinetic energy (from a defined height with a monodroplet generator), and/or without kinetic energy (with a micropipette in contact with the plant surface). Easy-to-wet species, Stellaria media and/or Viola arvensis, and difficult-to-wet species, Setaria viridis and/or Chenopodium album, were selected. The formulation residues were characterized using a scanning electron microscope integrated with/without energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis. Deposit residue, in terms of its pattern or hydraulic activation of stomata, were discussed in relation to foliar uptake of herbicides affecting the biomass or the chlorophyll fluorescence of the tissue. The major results can be summarized as follows-
1. A simple and robust pneumatic monodroplet generator was constructed for drop-on-demand application of aqueous pesticide solutions. Increasing the impulse width and orifice diameter led to an increase in the droplet diameter. In contrast, increased pressure and reduced surface tension of the liquid led to a decreased droplet diameter. With optimum adjustments, monodroplets with diameters ranging from 533 to 1819 µm were generated.
2. The kinetic energy of the droplet had no consistent effect on the deposit structure or the bio-efficacy of Gly formulations. On the other hand, RSO surfactants differing in the number of EO units, affected both the deposit structure and the bio-efficacy of the formulations, depending upon the plant species. In easy-to-wet species, the higher EO units of RSO surfactant failed to affect the deposit area of Gly and its bio-efficacy. But in difficult-to-wet species, higher EO units of RSO surfactant reduced the deposit area of Gly and enhanced its bio-efficacy.
3. The non-significance of RSO surfactant in affecting the area of diquat residue on the easy-to-wet leaves coincided also with its non-significant changes on the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and the herbicide-induced desiccation potential of the leaves. In contrary, on difficult-to-wet leaves, decreased deposit area of diquat droplet was associated with stronger modifications of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and the increased desiccation potential of diquat.
4. Hygroscopic salts led to hydraulic activation of stomata (HAS). Kosmotropic salts (Na2SO4) slightly reduced the surface tension of Gly solution and formed amorphous globular structures of Gly-salt deposit. In contrast, chaotropic salts(NaNO3 or NaClO3) led to strong reduction of the solutions' surface tension and formed a colloidal mixture flowing through periclinal walls and even into the stomata. Kosmotropic Na2SO4 had no impact on the Gly bio-efficacy, but the chaotropic NaNO3 enhanced the Gly bio-efficacy yielding in results equivalent or even better than that obtained with the organosilicone Break Thru S233.},

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