Altmann, Karina: Generation, enrichment and characterization of bioactive oligosaccharides and peptides from milk. - Bonn, 2016. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
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author = {{Karina Altmann}},
title = {Generation, enrichment and characterization of bioactive oligosaccharides and peptides from milk},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2016,
month = mar,

note = {Milk is considered to be a rich and one of the most important sources of bioactive compounds containing various milk-borne biologically active constituents or precursor substances for bioactive components. The present work was focused on the production of functional food ingredients of the carbohydrate and protein fraction of milk. The aim of the thesis was the development of procedures for the generation, enrichment and characterization of bioactive oligosaccharides and peptides from milk. Enrichment of bioactive milk-derived oligosaccharides (MOS) was performed by nanofiltration (NF). For generation and identification of anti-inflammatory peptides from bovine β-casein, enzyme preparations with different tryptic and chymotryptic activities were applied. Characterization of the biological activities of the MOS concentrates and the β-casein hydrolysates was performed by the evaluation of the activity of the transcription factor NFκB in human embryonic kidney cells (HEKnfκb-RE cells) in vitro.
Manuscript 1: For the enrichment of MOS (6’-sialyllactose, 3’-sialyllactose, N-acetylgalactosaminyl lactose) by membrane filtration initially a screening and a comparison of the efficiency of different NF membranes was performed on laboratory scale. Successful retention of MOS of 49 % to 84 % in retentate was achieved by application of membranes with a nominal molecular weight cut-off (NMWCO) of 150-400 Da. The transfer of the NF process from laboratory to pilot plant and industrial scale resulted in a comparable retention of MOS in retentate. A 100-fold increase of the MOS content in relation to total sugar content in retentate (10.6 %) compared to the initial sample (0.1 %) was realized after NF on industrial scale using the membrane DOW. This NF retentate was composed of 2.6 % MOS, 28.3 % mono- and disaccharides, 23.5 % citric acid and 24.7 % ash in dry mass. The MOS retentates and the standards (3’-sialyl-lactose, 6’-sialyl-lactose) exhibited increased NFκB activity in HEKnfκb-RE cells. A screening for the efficiency of different NF membranes for the enrichment of MOS on different scales of production was conducted for the first time.
Manuscript 2: The NF process for the enrichment of MOS was optimized realizing a better permeation of milk salts and residual sugars during NF at pH 5 and pH 7. As initial sample, the already concentrated NF retentate with a 100-fold increase of MOS content in relation to total sugar content was applied. A high retention of MOS of 68 % to 79 % was realized after NF and diafiltration at acidic and neutral milieu. The high MOS content in relation to total sugar content of 87.3 % to 92.7 % in the retentate at pH 5 and 7 (9-fold higher than in the first NF retentate, 900-fold higher than in the initial sample) indicated a nearly complete permeation of mono- and disaccharides. A higher enrichment of MOS in dry mass (5-fold higher than in the first NF retentate, 140-fold higher than in the initial sample) and an increased permeation of salts were achieved by NF at pH 5. The MOS concentrate at pH 5 was composed of 14.1 % MOS, 1.2 % mono- and disaccharides, 13.3 % citric acid and 21.8 % ash in dry mass. Furthermore, first investigations for the transfer of the procedure to caprine milk resulted in an increased MOS content in relation to total sugar content in retentate (23- to 31-fold higher than in the initial sample) of NF at neutral milieu. For the first time, the influence of the pH on the degree of enrichment of MOS by NF was evaluated.
Manuscript 3: Potential anti-inflammatory peptides were generated by hydrolysis of β-casein with the tryptic enzyme preparations Cod Trypsin, porcine Trypsin (tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone (TPCK)-treated) and the tryptic and chymotryptic preparation PTN 6.0 S. The β-casein hydrolysates exhibited a reduced NFκB activity measured as luciferase activity in human embryonic kidney cells (HEKnfκb-RE cells). β-casein hydrolysates produced by application of enzyme preparations with mainly chymotryptic activity (Cryotin, Cryotin F) did not reveal any effect. The higher the chymotryptic activity present, the lower the anti-inflammatory activity in HEKnfκb-RE cells. Hydrolysis of β-casein with Cod Trypsin and porcine Trypsin (TPCK) resulted in comparable peptides. Thus, the enzyme preparation Cod Trypsin can replace the non-food grade porcine enzyme preparation Trypsin (TPCK) for the generation of potential anti-inflammatory β-casein derived peptides.},

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