Jakobi, Jannis Christoph: Improving stationary and mobile cosmic ray neutron soil moisture measurements : Assessment of the cosmic ray neutron uncertainty and the potential of the thermal neutron signal. - Bonn, 2022. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-68447
urn: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-68447,
author = {{Jannis Christoph Jakobi}},
title = {Improving stationary and mobile cosmic ray neutron soil moisture measurements : Assessment of the cosmic ray neutron uncertainty and the potential of the thermal neutron signal},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2022,
month = oct,

volume = 578,
note = {Cosmic ray neutron sensors (CRNS) measure the epithermal neutron intensity (~0.5 eV – 100 keV) above the ground, which inversely depends on the amount of hydrogen in 130 to 240 m radius and soil depths of 15 to 83 cm. In terrestrial environments and in the absence of snow, most hydrogen is usually stored as soil water. Therefore, soil moisture content can be measured with CRNS, which is possible stationary and in mobile mode. However, soil moisture content measurements with CRNS are susceptible to a variety of errors. For this thesis the statistical measurement uncertainty, which depends on the number of neutrons counted, was inverstigated. To this end, a new approach was introduced for the propagation of the uncertainty from raw epithermal neutron counts in soil moisture content measurements with CRNS, based on a 3rd order Taylor expansion approach. The new approach was validated using theoretic examples and experimental measurements with a focus on mobile CRNS measurements. Another key error is the influence of additional hydrogen in the environment, e.g., biomass. Earlier studies have shown that biomass can be measured by additionally considering thermal neutron intensity (= 0.5 eV) in the ratio of thermal-to-epithermal neutrons (Nr). For this thesis, the area of influence (i.e., the footprint) of thermal neutrons was investigated. It was found that thermal neutrons have a horizontal footprint between 43 and 48 m and that the vertical footprint ranges between 10 and 65 cm soil depth, both dependent on soil moisture content. In addition, analytical expressions were fitted to the distant- and depth-dependent thermal neutron intensities. Finally, four approaches for the correction of the error introduced by time-varying biomass on soil moisture content measurements with CRNS were compared based on three experiments with different crops. The best results were obtained when site-specific functions based on in-situ measured biomass or thermal neutron intensity were used for correction. Correction with Nr improved the soil moisture content measurement to a lesser extent. The use of a generic approach for correction did not generally improve the soil moisture content measurement. In addition, it was found that Nr is not generally suited for the meausurements of biomass. On the contrary, thermal neutron intensity allowed for the measurement of biomass for all three crops. Overall, it was concluded that for accurate stationary and mobile measurements of soil moisture content with CRNS, errors introduced by uncertain neutron counts and by hydrogen stored in biomass must be considered. In addition, it was shown that the local and plant specific calibration of the thermal neutron intensity allows for the measurement of biomass.},
url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/10380}

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