Occasional Paper Series: Browsing Occasional Paper Series by Title
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Auf dem Weg zu einer veränderten Welt(-sicht)?: Wandel von Wahrnehmungs- und Handlungsmustern durch den internationalen Freiwilligendienst am Beispiel der Don Bosco Volunteers
Jung, Katharina (2015-10-05)Vor dem Hintergrund einer rasant zunehmenden Vernetzung der Welt bieten Programme wie etwa der internationale Freiwilligendienst die Möglichkeit, das Verständnis für andere als die eigenen Denk- und Handlungsmuster zu ... -
Diversification of livelihood strategies and the transformation of pastoralist life among Afar women in Baadu - Ethiopia
Inkermann, Helena (2015-04-04)The Afar society is undergoing a rapid socio-economic and environmental transformation process that is influencing the dominant livelihood in the region: pastoralism. A case study in Baadu, in the Afar Regional State in ... -
Growing Old in the Tanzanian Periphery: Elderlies’ Voices on Wellbeing and Ageing
Deter, Melanie (2020-04)This thesis explores different life situations of elderly people in rural Tanzania. It carves out how the process of ageing impacts these elderlies’ lives, highlights the heterogeneity within Africa’s older populations and ... -
(Inter-)nationale Klimapolitik und die Produktion des Raumes: Eine qualitative Fallstudie zu REDD+ in Kapuas, Zentral-Kalimantan, Indonesien
von Werder, Saskia Antonia (2016-12)The present master thesis analyzes REDD+, a market-based climate mitigation instrument designed by the UNFCCC to reduce and prevent carbon dioxide emissions from tropical regions. The analysis presented hereafter aims at ... -
Mainstreaming Climate Change Ad-aptation into Development Strategies in The Gambia: The Adaptation Paradigm between Resilience and Transformation
Lauer, Hannes (2015-02-03)Climate change adaptation (CCA) has emerged as a new paradigm of development politics. But as adaptation has turned out to be not as tangible as mitigation, controversies about the meaning and implementation have arisen ... -
Naivasha as a development hub: What are relevant problems related to ongoing developments in Naivasha?
Dittmann, Johannes; Bauriedel, Teresa; Baumeister, Johannes; Gomm, Leonie; Götz, Johanna; Kempf, Susanne; Lamche, Anja; Meintzinger, Claudia; Müggenburg, Eva; Nostadt, Matthias; Ochsmann, Moritz; Ogolla, Antony; Ragot, Stephanie; Salge, Frida; Schmitt, Daniel; Strasmann, Yannick; Tritsch, Annika; Weiß, Sarah (2016-01)“It gives a feeling of security, when everyone is on board!” (Employee of NGO in Naivasha) Naivasha is known as an economic hub due to its flourish flower industry and divers landscape with the Lake Naivasha and several ... -
Politik internationaler Klimaverhandlungen: De-Politisierung des Klimawandels während der Conference of the Parties 21 in Paris
Dittmann, Johannes; Bauriedel, Teresa; Bock, Thomas; Götz, Johanns; Hellwig, Vera; Schmitt, Daniel; Spitzley, Bennedikt; Vesper, Rene (2017-08) -
Post-Politik und Widerstand: Das Climate Action Network in der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention
Nick, Florence C. (2016-04)Diese Arbeit untersucht das Ausmaß der post-politischen Strukturen in der gegenwärtigen internationalen Klimapolitik anhand der Analyse der Arbeit der Nicht-Regierungsorganisation Climate Action Network International (CAN), ... -
The Postpolitical Condition of Fairtrade
Mürlebach, Mara (2016-03)In this thesis I apply SWYNGEDOUW’s argument of the postpolitical condition to the case of Fairtrade. I take a two-fold methodological approach. The visual and textual analysis of Fairtrade adverts complements a literature ... -
Spektakel und Gewalt in der „Wunderbaren Stadt“: Raumproduktionen in der ältesten Favela Rio de Janeiros im Kontext von Megaevents und Hafenrevitalisierung
Meyer, Luise (2014-10-01)Mega-events connect state agendas of image production with private sector's aspirations to valorise urban spaces. In the case of Rio de Janeiro mega-events may be scrutinised in the context of Brazil's rise to the league ... -
Zufluchtsorte: Eine sozialgeographische Analyse städtischer Flüchtlingsunterkünfte am Beispiel der Stadt Remscheid
Rott, Lena; Gabriel, Roxana (2017-01)In der aktuellen kontroversen Debatte um Flüchtlinge in Deutschland stehen insbesondere Aufnahmelager der Länder sowie Unterkünfte in den einzelnen Kommunen im Mittelpunkt des Interesses von Medien, Politik und Aktivistengruppen. ... -
Zwischen den Welten: Transnationale soziale Räume in Bonn lebender Migrantinnen und Migranten
Etzold, Benjamin; Berreßen, Christian; Eibisch, Stefan; Eul, Christopher; Fischer, Joana; Gregori, Lukas; Hewel, Felix; Kinzinger, Dorothee Helene; Laufer, Moritz; Mauch, Henning; Pontzen, Jan Paul; Sadrinna, Melanie; Schaadt, Christian; Schiltz, Georges (2014-10-02)