Bauer, Jana: Analysis of heterotrophic respiration response to soil temperature and moisture : experiments and modelling. - Bonn, 2009. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc:
author = {{Jana Bauer}},
title = {Analysis of heterotrophic respiration response to soil temperature and moisture : experiments and modelling},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2009,
month = oct,

note = {The temperature and moisture response of heterotrophic soil respiration are crucial for a reliable prediction of carbon dynamics with respect to climatic changes. However, despite numerous studies there are many controversies and open questions.
One objective of this thesis was to analyse the influence of different soil temperature and moisture response functions on the prediction of CO2 production and effluxes. For this purpose, soil temperature and moisture reduction functions of six soil carbon decomposition models (CANDY, CENTURY, DAISY, PATCIS, RothC, and SOILCO2) were implemented in the SOILCO2/RothC model. As a test scenario, a respiration experiment on a silt loam in Columbia (USA) was chosen. The cumulative CO2 fluxes simulated with different temperature reduction functions showed deviations up to 41% (1.77 t C ha-1) for a six-month period in 1981. The influence of moisture reduction was smaller with deviations up to 2% (0.10 t C ha-1). The functional sensitivity study showed that the choice of the soil temperature and soil moisture reduction function is a crucial factor for a reliable prediction of carbon turnover.
Most multi-pool models describe the temperature dependence of carbon decomposition by a response function which uniformly scales the decomposition constants of all carbon pools. However, it is not clear whether the temperature response does, indeed, conform to such a simple formulation. Therefore, a wheat decomposition experiment under six different temperatures (5°C, 9°C, 15°C, 25°C, 35°C, and 45°C) was performed and the cumulative CO2 development over time was analyzed. Data were interpreted by assuming that litter could be sub-divided into two pools, a labile and a more recalcitrant one, that would each decay exponentially. The observed patterns of carbon loss were poorly described if the same relative temperature response functions for the decomposition of both pools was used and the same chemical recalcitrance (expressed as the ratio of labile and recalcitrant pool sizes) at all temperatures was assumed. Data prediction could be significantly improved by using different temperature response functions for the decomposition of the two different organic-matter fractions. Even better data prediction could be achieved by assuming that chemical recalcitrance varied with temperature. These findings thus suggest that the temperature dependence of organic matter decomposition cannot be fully described with the simple approaches usually employed in most laboratory experiments and modelling approaches, but that a more complicated interplay between the temperature dependence of decomposition rates and temperature effects on the chemical recalcitrance of different organic matter fractions exists.
The classical approach for the in situ determination of the temperature response (Q10 or activation energy) from a linear regression between log-transformed CO2 fluxes and temperatures measured at predefined soil depths has been criticised for neglecting confounding factors as spatial and temporal changes in soil water content and soil organic matter quality and quantity. On the other hand, the derived temperature response is not unambiguous but depends on the depth of temperature measurement. To overcome both problems, we determined temperature and water content response equations of soil heterotrophic respiration by means of inverse parameter estimation using a 1-dimensional CO2 transport and carbon turnover model. Analysis of different formulations of temperature response resulted in estimated response factors that hardly deviated over the entire range of soil water contents and for temperatures < 25°C. For higher temperatures the temperature response was highly uncertain due to the infrequent occurrence of soil temperatures > 25°C.
As an overall finding of all three studies, we can conclude that inverse parameter estimation using either conceptual or numerical models is a promising tool for a reliable determination of the temperature and water response of heterotrophic soil respiration.},

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