Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Land, Climate, Energy, Agriculture and Development in the Sahel: Synthesis paper of case studies under the Sudano-Sahelian Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security
This paper synthesizes a set of national case studies conducted in the Sahelian countries during 2019-2020 as a collaboration between national universities and research institutes, and the Center for Development Research ...
Farming for Fish: Success factors for expanding Africa’s
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector in the world, accounting for more than half of the fish and seafood products consumed globally in 2021. Beyond improving food security, the sector holds significant potential ...
From Potentials to Reality: Transforming Africa’s Food Production: Investment and policy priorities for sufficient, nutritious and sustainable food supplies
This study identifies ways in which Africa can realize its potential to secure a supply of food for affordable and healthy diets through the sustainable use of its own resources. The focus is on investment, cooperation, ...
Potentiels d'Innovation pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Croissance Agricole Durable en Afrique Subsaharienne: Orientations stratégiques pour la collaboration en matière de développement
Étant donné que la majorité de la population de l’Afrique subsaharienne dépend fortement de l’agriculture, le rendement des investissements en termes d’effets de réduction de la pauvreté est souvent le plus élevé dans ce ...
Potentials of Innovation for Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Strategic Directions for Development Collaboration
Since the majority of Sub-Saharan Africa’s population highly depends on agriculture, returns on investments in terms of poverty reduction effects are often highest in this sector. Furthermore, food insecurity is both a ...
Farmer Innovation Contests: Tapping the Innovative Potential of Smallholder Farmers
Generating agricultural innovations has traditionally been attributed to research organizations. The farmer’s own potential for the development of innovative solutions has largely been neglected. Our experience with Farmer ...
Concours de l'Innovation Paysanne: Exploiter le potentiel d’innovation des petits agriculteurs
La création des innovations agricoles revient traditionnellement aux organismes de recherche. Le potentiel de l’agriculteur à développer des solutions innovantes était largement négligé. Les concours de l’innovation paysanne ...
Strategies d'intensification durable pour le pauvre en milieu rural: Faire correspondre les innovations au potentiel humain et écologique ausein et en dehors du secteur agricole
Les pauvres en milieu rural diffèrent largement en ce qui concerne leurs capacités et le potentiel agro-écologique des zones où ils vivent. Ainsi, l’intensification durable ne constitue pas seulement un autre problème ...
Sustainable intensification strategies for the rural poor: Matching innovations with human and ecological potential within and outside the agriculture sector
The rural poor differ widely with regard to their capabilities and the agro-ecological potential of the areas where they live. Thus, sustainable intensification is not just another optimization problem for ensuring higher ...
Prospects for Aquaculture Development in Africa: A review of past performance to assess future potential
African aquaculture production has gradually increased over the years, but progress is still slow. Given large variations between African countries with regard to the availability of water, the macro-economic context, ...