Weldenegodguad, Simret Betsha: Transcriptome analysis of bovine day 16 conceptus derived after transfer of blastocyst from somatic cell nuclear transfer or in vitro production. - Bonn, 2013. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Online-Ausgabe in bonndoc: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5n-32595
urn: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5n-32595,
author = {{Simret Betsha Weldenegodguad}},
title = {Transcriptome analysis of bovine day 16 conceptus derived after transfer of blastocyst from somatic cell nuclear transfer or in vitro production},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2013,
month = jul,

volume = 142,
note = {In vitro embryo production (IVP) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) have been used as tools of assisted reproductive technology to produce bovine pre-implantation embryos independent of the maternal environment. However, the embryonic and fetal losses after transfer of SCNT and IVP derived embryos is higher compared to the in vivo (AI) counterparts. This may be associated with the alterations in the molecular signatures and pathways at any stage of embryonic and /or fetal development. Therefore, to identify the molecular changes that could occur at day 16 SCNT and IVP derived embryos, large scale transcriptomic analysis was performed using Affymetrix-Bovine Genome Array. For this, day 7 blastocysts derived from SCNT, IVP and AI were transferred to oestrus synchronized Simmental heifers. Recipients were then slaughtered at day 16 of gestation and conceptuses were retrieved. Following morphological examination, filamentous embryos with visible embryonic disc were subjected to global tanscriptome analysis. The result demonstrated comparable in vivo development rate in SCNT (72.7%), IVP (62.2%) and AI (77.3%) embryo groups. However, considerable reduction in the trophoblast elongation size was observed in SCNT (93.3mm) compared to IVP (186.6mm) and AI (196.3mm) derived embryos. In addition, more than 20% of SCNT (10.7 mm ± 1.08) and IVP (20.1 mm ± 0.15) conceptuses had tubular shape, suggesting a delay in recapitulating filamentous morphology. Gene expression profiling analysis revealed that the transcript levels of 477 genes, which are involved in various pathways including arginine and proline, glycerolipid and fatty acid metabolism, were significantly altered in SCNT embryos compared to AI. Similarly, 365 genes were differentially expressed in IVP embryos compared to AI. Thus, several canonical pathways including TNRF-1 and tight junction signalling pathways were affected in IVP derived conceptuses. To predict whether the altered transcripts were associated with pre-elongation in vitro culture environment or errors in transcriptional reprogramming, unique or commonly differentially expressed genes were analyzed in SCNT and IVP embryos compared to AI or donor cells (fibroblast). Accordingly, 71 transcripts including (FOLR1, MYO1B, RCN2, H2AFJ, HSPB1 and GATM) were found to be not transcriptionally reprogrammed as their expression resembled more the donor cells than AI embryos. The remaining transcripts were either partially or incompletely reprogrammed. In addition, quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) based expression profiling of candidate transcripts in developmentally delayed SCNT or IVP embryos showed low mRNA levels of IFNt, FGFR2, CLDN1 and ARHGEF2 in developmentally lagging IVP and SCNT embryos compared to their respective elongated counterparts. In conclusion, the present study identified deviation in elongation size, gene expression and the corresponding molecular pathways in day 16 SCNT and IVP conceptuses compared to their AI counterparts which may subsequently be associated with fetal development.},
url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/5545}

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