Castañeda C, Leonardo: Some Aspects in Cosmological Perturbation Theory and ƒ (R) Gravity. - Bonn, 2016. - Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
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author = {{Leonardo Castañeda C}},
title = {Some Aspects in Cosmological Perturbation Theory and ƒ (R) Gravity},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
year = 2016,
month = sep,

note = {General Relativity, the currently accepted theory of gravity, has not been thoroughly tested on very large scales. Therefore, alternative or extended models provide a viable alternative to Einstein’s theory. In this thesis I present the results of my research projects together with the Grupo de Gravitación y Cosmología at Universidad Nacional de Colombia; such projects were motivated by my time at Bonn University.
In the first part, we address the topics related with the metric ƒ (R) gravity, including the study of the boundary term for the action in this theory. The Geodesic Deviation Equation (GDE) in metric ƒ (R) gravity is also studied. Finally, the results are applied to the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime metric and some perspectives on use the of GDE as a cosmological tool are commented.
The second part discusses a proposal of using second order cosmological perturbation theory to explore the evolution of cosmic magnetic fields. The main result is a dynamo-like cosmological equation for the evolution of the magnetic fields. The couplings between the perturbations in the metric and the magnetic fields are present in the dynamo equation, opening a new perspective in the amplification of magnetic fields at early stages of the universe expansion.
The final part of this work is in the field of stellar kinematics in galaxies. It is a project that started at Sternwarte-Bonn Institut some years ago. Here we study the stellar and gas kinematics in HCG 90. Furthermore, we analyze the rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles for the galaxies in the core of the group. Some possible future applications of the work are discuss.},

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