The Faculty of Medicine: Publikationen
Recent Submissions
Electrophysiological evidence for increased auditory crossmodal activity in adult ADHD
Schramm, Mia; Goregliad Fjaellingsdal, Tatiana; Aslan, Behrem; Jung, Paul; Lux, Silke; Schulze, Marcel; Philipsen, Alexandra (2023-08-29)<strong>Background:</strong> Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by core symptoms of inattention, and/or impulsivity and hyperactivity. In order to understand ... -
Evaluations of the Authenticity of News Media Articles and Variables of Xenophobia in a German Sample: Measuring Out-Group Stereotypes Indirectly
Plieger, Thomas; Al-Haj Mustafa, Sarah; Schwandt, Sebastian; Heer, Jana; Weichert, Alina; Reuter, Martin (2023-03-11)Xenophobic and right-wing attitudes have become a major issue in Western societies. The present study investigated how such attitudes and stereotypes influence media perception in terms of identifying manipulated news ... -
Delphi study for the development and preliminary validation of an item set for the assessment of non-experts’ AI literacy
Laupichler, Matthias Carl; Aster, Alexandra; Raupach, Tobias (2023-01-12)Artificial intelligence literacy is a concept that has been the focus of exhaustive research recently. However, there are very few psychometrically sound and thoroughly evaluated instruments that attempt to assess AI ... -
X-linked variations in SHROOM4 are implicated in congenital anomalies of the urinary tract and the anorectal, cardiovascular and central nervous systems
Kolvenbach, Caroline; Felger, Tim; Schierbaum, Luca; Thiffault, Isabelle; Pastinen, Tomi; Szczepańska, Maria; Zaniew, Marcin; Adamczyk, Piotr; Bayat, Allan; Yilmaz, Öznur; Lindenberg, Tobias; Thiele, Holger; Hildebrandt, Friedhelm; Hinderhofer, Katrin; Moog, Ute; Hilger, Alina; Sullivan, Bonnie; Bartik, Lauren; Gnyś, Piotr; Grote, Phillip; Odermatt, Benjamin; Reutter, Heiko; Dworschak, Gabriel (2022-11-15)Background: SHROOM4 is thought to play an important role in cytoskeletal modification and development of the early nervous system. Previously, single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) or copy number variations (CNVs) in SHROOM4 ... -
Neural Correlates of Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements in Schizotypy and Recent Onset Psychosis: A Multivariate Pattern Classification Approach
Schröder, Rebekka; Faiola, Eliana; Urquijo, Maria Fernanda; Bey, Katharina; Meyhöfer, Inga; Steffens, Maria; Kasparbauer, Anna-Maria; Ruef, Anne; Högenauer, Hanna; Hurlemann, René; Kambeitz, Joseph; Philipsen, Alexandra; Wagner, Michael; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Ettinger, Ulrich (2022-06-03)Schizotypy refers to a set of personality traits that bear resemblance, at subclinical level, to psychosis. Despite evidence of similarity at multiple levels of analysis, direct comparisons of schizotypy and clinical ... -
Endothelial PlexinD1 signaling instructs spinal cord vascularization and motor neuron development
Vieira, José Ricardo; Shah, Bhavin; Dupraz, Sebastian; Paredes, Isidora; Himmels, Patricia; Schermann, Géza; Adler, Heike; Motta, Alessia; Gärtner, Lea; Navarro-Aragall, Ariadna; Ioannou, Elena; Dyukova, Elena; Bonnavion, Remy; Fischer, Andreas; Bonanomi, Dario; Bradke, Frank; Ruhrberg, Christiana; Ruiz de Almodóvar, Carmen (2022-12-21)How the vascular and neural compartment cooperate to achieve such a complex and highly specialized structure as the central nervous system is still unclear. Here, we reveal a crosstalk between motor neurons (MNs) and ... -
Über Hornhauttransplantation
Thomé, Wilhelm (2022)<strong>Thomé, Wilhelm: De Corneae Transplantatione. Dissertatio Inauguralis.</strong> <br /> Nach einem Studium der Medizin in Bonn und Berlin promovierte <strong>Wilhelm Thomé</strong> (1809-1846) im Jahre 1834 in ...