Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät: Suche
Anzeige der Dokumente 4491-4500 von 4736
Numerical verification of a bond-based softening peridynamic model for small displacements: Deducing material parameters from classical linear theory
In this article we present a systematic numerical approach for calibration and numerical verification of peridynamics models. The approach is illustrated for a two parameter exponential bond softening model, which is ...
On a multilevel preconditioner and its condition numbers for the discretized Laplacian on full and sparse grids in higher dimensions
We first discretize the d-dimensional Laplacian in (0, 1)d for varying d on a full uniform grid and build a new preconditioner that is based on a multilevel generating system. We show that the resulting condition ......
Simulation of droplet impact with dynamic contact angle boundary conditions
The numerical simulation of dynamic wetting processes is of interest for a vast variety of industrial processes, where practical experiments are costly and time-consuming. In these simulations, the dynamic contact angle ...
Dimension-adaptive sparse grid quadrature for integrals with boundary singularities
Classical Gaussian quadrature rules achieve exponential convergence for univariate functions that are infinitly smooth and where all derivatives are uniformly bounded. The aim of this paper is to construct generalized ......
A full three dimensional numerical simulation of the sediment transport and the scouring at a rectangular obstacle
We employ a numerical simulation of the three-dimensional fluid flow and the simultaneous transport of sediment to reproduce current-driven sediment transport processes. In particular, the scouring at a rectangular obstacle ...
On the convergence of the combination technique
Sparse tensor product spaces provide an efficient tool to discretize higher dimensional operator equations. The direct Galerkin method in such ansatz spaces may employ hierarchical bases, interpolets, wavelets or multilevel ...
Fast discrete Fourier transform on generalized sparse grids
In this paper, we present an algorithm for trigonometric interpolation of multivariate functions on generalized sparse grids and study its application for the approximation of functions in periodic Sobolev spaces of ...
Multiscale approximation and reproducing kernel Hilbert space methods
We consider reproducing kernels K : Ω x Ω → ℝ in multiscale series expansion form, i.e., kernels of the form K (x, y) = ∑ℓ∈ℕλℓ∑j∈Iℓ ......
Dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data with a non-linear principal component aligned generative topographic mapping
Most high-dimensional real-life data exhibit some dependencies such that data points do not populate the whole data space but lie approximately on a lower-dimensional manifold. A major problem in many data mining applications ...
Simulation of dilute polymeric fluids in a three-dimensional contraction using a multiscale FENE model
We apply the multiscale FENE model to a 3D square-square contraction flow problem. For this purpose, wecouple the stochastic Brownian configuration field method (BCF) with our fully parallelized three-dimensional Navier-Stokes ...