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Now showing items 1951-1970 of 10946
CA1 Network Dynamics During Impaired Working Memory in Temporal Lobe Epileptic Mice
Pasdarnavab, Maryam (2023-06-12)Around 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. Seizures are not the only feature of epilepsy that patients suffer from. Despite the fact that other comorbidities of epilepsy such as memory deficits widely impact ... -
Cahn–Hilliard-type Equations: Robust Discretization and Efficient Implementation
Penzler, Patrick (2009-05-11)In this work, a robust and efficient numerical method to simulate Cahn–Hilliard-type equations is presented. The considered equations are of fourth order and contain two nonlinearities: one is the concentration-dependent ... -
Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Feynman Integral Computations: The Family of Banana Feynman Graphs
Nega, Christoph (2022-01-17)In this thesis we use geometrical and string theoretic inspired methods to compute Feynman integrals. We analyze the important family of l-loop banana Feynman graphs. For this we relate the abstract l-loop Feynman integral ... -
Calculating Corrections in F-Theory from Refined BPS Invariants and Backreacted Geometries
Poretschkin, Maximilian (2015-03-31)This thesis presents various corrections to F-theory compactifications which rely on the computation of refined Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) invariants and the analysis of backreacted geometries. <br /> Detailed ... -
Calculating Sparse and Dense Correspondences for Near-Isometric Shapes
Burghard, Oliver (2018-05-29)Comparing and analysing digital models are basic techniques of geometric shape processing. These techniques have a variety of applications, such as extracting the domain knowledge contained in the growing number of digital ... -
Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners: Kalibrierung terrestrischer Laserscanner
Holst, Christoph; Neuner, Hans; Wieser, Andreas; Wunderlich, Thomas; Kuhlmann, Heiner (2016)The calibration of a laser scanner is necessary to reduce systematic errors in the acquired point cloud. Furthermore, calibrating laser scanners is motivated by the need of users to access up-to-date quality information. ... -
Calidad de aire y sostenibilidad: Revisión de la contaminación atmosférica por PM2.5 en ciudades de América Latina y Europa
Maldonado García, Eliana; Aguirre Rincón, Pablo (2024-02-12)En este artículo abordo la centralidad de los cuidados, entendiéndolos como un derecho, no sólo para la comunidad sino para la naturaleza, desde el marco conceptual de la ecología política feminista latinoamericana. Propongo ... -
Call Center in Deutschland: Räumliche Analyse einer standortunabhängigen Dienstleistung
Halves, Jan-Peter (2001)Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich am Beispiel der für Deutschland noch relativ neuen Dienstleistung Call Center kritisch mit der Büromarktforschung und der Standortlehre von Büro betrieben auseinander. Der empirische Ansatz ... -
Can a concern for status reconcile diverse social welfare programs?
Stark, Oded; Jakubek, Marcin (2016-04)Let there be two individuals: “rich,” and “poor.” Due to inefficiency of the income redistribution policy, if a social planner were to tax the rich in order to transfer to the poor, only a fraction of the taxed income would ... -
Can a deportation policy backfire?
Stark, Oded; Byra, Lukasz (2019-10)Drawing on a model in which utility is derived from consumption and effort (labor supply), we ask how the deportation of a number of undocumented migrants influences the decisions regarding labor supply, consumption, and ... -
Can a specially designed information intervention around the WASH-agriculture linkages make any difference?: Experimental evidence of behavioral changes and health impacts
Malek, Mohammad Abdul; Khan, Tahsina Naz; Gerber, Nicolas; Saha, Ratnajit; Mohammad, Ikhtiar (2016-04)This paper attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the specially designed packages of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions with <em>‘student brigades’</em> (student teams tasked with maintaining hygiene in ... -
Can altruism lead to a willingness to take risks?
Stark, Oded (2023-10)I study attitudes towards risk taking in cases where a person relates to others positively, namely altruistically. This study is needed because it is unclear how altruism influences the inclination of an altruistic person ... -
Can big companies’ initiatives to promote mechanization benefit small farms in Africa?: A case study from Zambia
Adu-Baffour, Ferdinand; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina (2018-06)After many years of neglect, there is a renewed interest in agricultural mechanization in Africa. Since government initiatives to promote mechanization, e.g., by importing and subsidizing tractors, are confronted with major ... -
Can community-based health insurance nudge preventive health behaviours?: Evidence from rural Uganda
Nshakira-Rukundo, Emmanuel; Mussa, Essa Chanie; Nshakira, Nathan; Gerber, Nicolas; von Braun, Joachim (2019-01)Community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes have emerged as strong pathways to universal health coverage in developing countries. Their examination has largely focussed on their impacts on financial protection and on ... -
Can Mobile Money Facilitate Cash Transfers to Farmers and the Rural Poor in the COVID-19 Context?
Greco, Angelica (2020-06)Mobile money is widespread across Africa. The GSMA reports that around half of the 1 billion mobile money accounts worldwide were registered in Africa in 2019. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) alone, mobile money transactions ... -
Can one improve now-casts of crop prices in Africa? Google can.
Weber, Regine; Kornher, Lukas (2019-02)With increasing Internet user rates across Africa, there is considerable interest in exploring new, online data sources. Particularly, search engine metadata, i.e. data representing the contemporaneous online-interest in ... -
Can resilience be built through micro-finance tools?: A case study of coping and adaptation strategies to climate-related shocks in Piura, Peru
Oft, Philine (2009-07-07)This study focuses on the livelihoods of rural households in the region of Piura in northern Peru, who are either farmers or livestock holders. The livelihood systems of these farmers are exposed to and vulnerable to ... -
Can social safety nets protect public health?: The effect of India’s workfare and foodgrain subsidy programmes on anaemia
Narayanan, Sudha; Gerber, Nicolas; Rathore, Udayan; Naraparaju, Karthikeya (2017-10)Can large-scale social safety nets be nutrition sensitive even if they do not explicitly incorporate health and nutrition as programmatic goals? This paper focuses on the consequences of a countrywide guaranteed workfare ... -
Can the agroprocessing sector create jobs in Africa?: Evidence from Ethiopia, Ghana and Tunisia
Kubik, Zaneta; Getahun, Tigabu D.; Omari, Rose; Oueslati Zlaoui, Meriem (2022-07)This paper analyzes the potential of the agroprocessing sector to create jobs in Africa, based on the evidence from Ethiopia, Ghana and Tunisia. The analysis uses both primary qualitative data and secondary quantitative ... -
Can the agroprocessing sector create jobs in Africa?: Evidence from Ethiopia, Ghana and Tunisia
Konok, Khadeja Akter; Kubik, Zaneta; Getahun, Tigabu D.; Omari, Rose; Oueslati Zlaoui, Meriem (2024-04)The lack of adequate employment opportunities continues to be one of the principal challenges hindering poverty reduction efforts in Africa. Despite sustained economic growth – at least until the Covid-19 pandemic – the ...