Browsing by Title
Now showing items 10794-10813 of 10958
The YES assay as a tool to analyse endocrine disruptors in different matrices in Vietnam
Le, Thi Anh Hong (2012-11-16)Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) or endocrine disruptors have been a global concern for many years due to their negative impact on wildlife and human health. The main sources of EDCs in the environment are humans and ... -
Yet Another “Decipherment” of the Isthmian Writing2 System
Vonk, Thomas (2020-02-12)The <em>qW</em> << 0:1 condition hypothesis is formulated as an estimating quick test for the feasibility of a structurally unique and therefore uncontroversial decipherment<br />of a given morpho-phonographic ... -
Yield effects of selected agronomic innovation packages in maize cropping systems of six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
Eyshi Rezaei, Ehsan; Gaiser, Thomas (2018-05)Implementation of suitable innovation packages into cropping systems is required to address the issues of food security and improvement of the crop yield in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, quantification of the effects of ... -
Yield Prediction with Explainable Machine Learning
Huber, Florian Philipp (2024-11-21)Starting from a federal project to predict grapevine yields in Germany, we faced five challenges to enable machine learning for yield prediction. The first challenge is training on small data sets, as capturing data for ... -
Yield, productivity and technical gaps that limit the cotton agricultural production system in the Colombian Caribbean
Burbano-Figueroa, Oscar (2022-03-29)This thesis contributes to understanding factors related to production situations in agricultural systems of the Colombian Caribbean using decision analysis. Decision analysis has numerous advantages when it is used for ... -
Young stellar clusters throughout the Galaxy and the interaction with their molecular environment
Morales Häfelin, Esteban Félix Eduardo (2014-02-28)Stars are born within dense clumps of giant molecular clouds, constituting young stellar agglomerates known as embedded clusters. Once the parental gas is expelled through stellar feedback, they evolve into bound open ... -
Youth aspirations, perceptions of farming, and migration decisions in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Further empirical evidence from Ethiopia
Mussa, Essa Chanie (2020-05)The study discusses the aspirations and preferences of youth in rural sub-Saharan Africa using a large-scale SMS-based survey data and complements it with an investigation on the causal effects of adolescent aspirations ... -
Yucatec Maya Language on the Move: A Cross-disciplinary Approach to Indigenous Language Maintenance in an Age of Globalization
Yamasaki, Eriko (2019-08-21)This dissertation discusses the language maintenance of Yucatec Maya in the contemporary world characterized by intensified global interactions. Manifested in the increased mobility of speakers and the intensive use of ... -
Yukawa Couplings from D-branes on non-factorisable Tori
Liyanage, Chatura Christoph (2018-08-15)In this thesis Yukawa couplings from D-branes on non-factorisable tori are computed. In particular intersecting D6-branes on the torus, generated by the SO(12) root lattice, is considered, where the Yukawa couplings arise ... -
Zahlklassifikatoren in Hieroglyphen-Inschriften der Klassischen Maya-Kultur: Beobachtungen zu T87
Prager, Christian M. (2003)In der vorliegenden Notiz werden die syntaktischen und morphologischen Strukturen von Zahlklassifikatoren im sprachlichen und hieroglyphenschritlichen Kontext am Beispiel des Zeichens T87 für das Wort TE' untersucht und ... -
Zahnbehandlungsangst: Die Ängste der Patienten und mögliche Wege der Minderung
Schmidt, Matthias (2007)Die Zahnbehandlung wird von vielen Patienten als unangenehme und bedrohliche Situation wahrgenommen. Erfährt ein Patient diese Empfindung wiederholt und verstärkt, so spricht man von Zahnbehandlungsangst. Um dem Patienten ... -
Zahnschmelzmikrostrukturen südamerikanischer Huftiere
Lindenau, Christa (2005)Aus der Gruppe der südamerikanischen Ungulaten wurde der Zahnschmelz hauptsächlich von Molaren von insgesamt 41 Gattungen und einer Unterfamilie der Ordnungen Litopterna, Notoungulata und Astrapotheria untersucht. Kennzeichnend ... -
Zahnstellungsänderungen nach Therapie mit Unterkiefer-Protrusionsschienen im Rahmen der Behandlung von schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen
Kares, Anton (2024-11-28)Für diese retrospektive, monozentrische Studie wurden der Zahnstatus (DMFT, PSI), die klinischen Daten (AHI, Sauerstoffsättigung, ESS), der klinisch gemessene Overjet und Overbite, sowie die dreidimensionalen Zahnstellun ... -
Zeb2 is essential for terminal differentiation of multiple hematopoietic lineages
Li, Jin (2016-01-14)The differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) into specialized blood cells is tightly controlled by a complex network of transcription factors (TF). The zinc finger E-Box binding TF Zeb2 is known to govern the ... -
Zebrafish as a Model Organism to Study the In Vivo Role of G-Protein Coupled Receptor 17 in Myelination
Schmitt, Nina-Katharina (2019-02-26)The sheathing of axons with myelin by oligodendrocytes constitutes a necessity for sufficient and rapid nerve conduction within the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). However to date, the complex molecular mechanisms ... -
Zeeman Measurements using SO (10-01) Transition and Heterodyne Observations towards the W51 Region
Chiong, Chau Ching (2003)Understanding the star-forming procedure is one of the most important topic in astrophysics. One of the most unexplored fields in the star-forming theories is magnetic field. Magnetic field is believed to play an important ... -
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2013, Vol. 1, No 1
Schreiweis, Thorsten Kim (2013-03)A new debate on the future of Europe has emerged which will define the path of the European Union in the years ahead. ZEI accompanies this process of discussion with the new “Future of Europe Observer“ which regularly ... -
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2013, Vol. 1, No 2: Solidarity - 28 EU voices
Schreiweis, Thorsten Kim (2013-07)The current financial crisis has become a litmus test for the EU in priding herself as a community of values. The political debate will go beyond the scope of a full economic or more institutionally integrated EU with an ... -
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2013, Vol. 1, No 3
Schreiweis, Thorsten Kim (2013-11)Currently, the European Banking Union with its three pillars is being negotiated and gradually implemented. The Banking Union is aimed at preventing a renewed escalation of the sovereign debt crisis as experienced since ... -
ZEI Future of Europe Observer, 2014, Vol. 2, No 1: What next for the EU?
Schreiweis, Thorsten Kim (2014-02)In light of the forthcoming elections of the European Parliament and the ensuing debate within Europe of key policy issues, the ZEI Master of European Studies “Class of 2014“ gives an overview of the current constitution ...