Institut für Angeborene Immunität: Suche
Anzeige der Dokumente 1-4 von 4
Shedding light on the role of cAMP in mammalian sperm physiology
Mammalian fertilization relies on sperm finding the egg and penetrating the egg vestments. All steps in a sperm's lifetime crucially rely on changes in the second messenger cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). In recent ...
Elucidating cyclic AMP signaling in subcellular domains with optogenetic tools and fluorescent biosensors
The second messenger 3´, 5´-cyclic nucleoside adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) plays a key role in signal transduction across prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Cyclic AMP signaling is compartmentalized into microdomains to fulfil ...
How to control cyclic nucleotide signaling by light
Optogenetics allows to non-invasively manipulate cellular functions with spatio-temporal precision by combining genetic engineering with the control of protein function by light. Since the discovery of channelrhodopsin has ......
Primary cilia and their effects on immune cell functions and metabolism: a model
Primary cilia are hair-like protrusions of the plasma membrane that function as cellular antennae and are present on most cells in the human body. Primary cilia dysfunction leads to severe diseases, commonly termed ...