E-Dissertationen: Auflistung E-Dissertationen nach Klassifikation (DDC) "ddc:500"
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AB-QTL analysis for two populations of winter barley sharing the donor of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum
Wang, Huajun (2005)The objective of the present study was to detect favourable exotic QTL alleles for the improvement of agronomic traits, pathogen resistance and non-parasitic browning in two BC<sub>2</sub>DH populations derived from the ... -
Acceptance Analysis of New Technology for Sustainable Water Management and Sanitation: A Case Study of Operating Farm Households in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
Wieneke, Florian (2005)Recent development in agricultural und industrial production leads to increasing pollution of the water sources in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. According to the "Vietnam Environment Monitor 2003 - Water", no safe drinking ... -
African nightshade and African spinach: A neglected and underutilized resource with significant potential to manage plant-parasitic nematodes
Chitambo, Oliver (2019-05-07)African indigenous vegetables (AIV) are essential for dietary diversification and ensuring nutritional requirements for people in sub-Sahara Africa. AIV have been largely marginalized by agriculture research, yet they are ... -
Agro-climate service delivery and scaling at the last mile: A case study in Dien Bien District, Vietnam
Luu, Thi Thu Giang (2024-05-07)Smallholder farmers, particularly in the Global South, are among the groups experiencing the most direct impacts of weather, climate variability and climate change. These direct impacts might disrupt or reverse development ... -
An- und Abreicherung von Schwermetallen in derRhizosphäre und deren Entzug durch landwirtschaftliche Kulturpflanzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Aspekte einer Phytosanierung
Domeyer, Kay (2006)In Klimakammer- und Gewächshausversuchen wurde mit Rhizoboxen bzw. Pflanzgefäßen das Verhalten von Cd, Cu, Pb und Zn in der Rhizosphäre von Feldsalat, Spinat, Weizen, Sonnenblume, Salat und Senf untersucht. Ziel der ... -
Analysis of Water Use and Crop Allocation for the Khorezm Region in Uzbekistan Using an Integrated Hydrologic-Economic Model
Schieder, Tina-Maria (2011-04-20)Sustainable and efficient water management is of central importance for the dominant agricultural sector and thus for the population and the environment of the Khorezm region. Khorezm is situated in the lower Amu Darya ... -
Assessing the potential role of insurance in flood adaptation in the context of climate change: a case study of the West African Lower Mono River Basin (LMRB) in Togo and Benin
Wagner, Simon Matthias (2024-06-18)The Lower Mono River basin (LMRB) located both in Togo and Benin is confronted with challenges such as periodic flooding, infrastructural development, deforestation, settlement expansion, land use change and risk governance. ... -
Die Bedeutung NCAM-vermittelter Signaltransduktion für Endozytose und Neuritenwachstum
Quade, Reinhild (2004)Das neurale Zelladhäsionsmolekül NCAM ist ein membran-assoziiertes Glykoprotein, das auf der Oberfläche von Nervenzellen exprimiert wird. NCAM spielt eine bedeutende Rolle in der Entwicklung und Regeneration des Nervensystems ... -
Biofilme in Melkanlagen
Weber, Mareike Katharina (2019-10-10)Die bakterielle Zusammensetzung von Biofilmen in Melkanlagen wurde mit einer Kombination aus kultivierungsgestützten und molekularbiologischen Methoden ermittelt. Bereits in der Melkanlage etablierte Biofilme wurden mit ... -
Carbon Stocks and Ecological Implications of Open Spaces: A Case Study in Recife - Brazil
Jende, Oliver (2011-07-14)The aim of this work is to evaluate the ecological implications of the whole range of urban and rural land use systems from a common perspective focused on carbon stocks and land use change (LUC) in urbanizing areas of ... -
Changes of inner teat morphology caused by the milking process and by incomplete milking during dry-off as assessed by innovative technologies
Martin, Lisett Marie (2020-03-03)In dairy farming, the timing of the lactation cycle and the way of milk removal differ considerably from the natural conditions. Ensuring good health and wellbeing of farm animals is of great interest from both an economic ... -
Charakterisierung der gravitropen Signaltransduktionin Helianthus annuus L. über Genexpressionsanalysen nach Auxin-und Gravistimulation
Kriegs, Bettina (2006)Die gravitrope Krümmungsreaktion in höheren Pflanzen als Antwort auf eine veränderte Orientierung zum gegebenen Schwerkraftvektor ist geprägt von einer asymmetrischen Verteilung des Pflanzenwuchsstoffes Auxin. Daher scheint ... -
Combining Fluorescence and Reflectance to Quantify Dynamics in Photosynthetic Regulation
Acebron, Kelvin (2021-12-14)Photosynthesis in the field is anything but steady-state. Because environment is changing, understanding plant’s photosynthetic activity <em>in situ</em> is challenging. Measurement of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF), ... -
Conceptualising and estimating rationalised agricultural optimisation models
Zhang, Yinan (2018-07-19)Computational modelling for quantitative agricultural policy assessment in the EU employs more farm level oriented approaches in recent years. This follows policy instruments that increasingly target the farm level and ... -
Consistently closing global and regional sea level budgets
Uebbing, Bernd (2022-11-17)Nowadays, human-induced climate change is the major driver of global and regional sea level change threatening the well-being and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people living close to the coast. Consequently, ... -
Crop management options to reduce nitrogen pollution in Liangzihu lake basin, Central China
Zhang, Jin (2015-06-18)In Central China, high mineral nitrogen (N) application rates lead to low N recovery and high N losses. Large amounts of the nitrate-N leached from agricultural soil end up in aquatic ecosystems, which negatively affects ... -
Detection and Attribution of Spatiotemporal Trends of Climatic Disaster Mortality in Nepal
Chapagain, Dipesh (2024-02-16)The socioeconomic impacts of climatic disasters are increasing globally. Some studies have argued that this increasing trend results from the growing population and assets exposed to hazardous events. Other studies have ... -
Development of root phenotyping methods and QTL analysis of root traits in grapevine mapping populations
Schmitz, Ronja (2023-01-30)Facing climatic change and upcoming extreme weather events require the adaptation of agricultural crops to conditions like extended drought periods in the future. Therefore, the incorporation of promising morphological and ... -
Effizienz teilschlagspezifischer Unkrautkontrolle und räumlich-zeitliche Dynamik der Unkrautpopulationen in einer Felderfolge und Monokultur
Krohmann, Peter (2004)Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurden Untersuchungen zur Dynamik von Unkrautpopulationen unter dem Einfluss der teilschlagspezifischen Unkrautkontrolle in einer viergliedrigen Felderfolge Körnermais-Zuckerrüben-Winter ... -
Einfluss einer oralen L-Argininhydrochlorid-Supplementation auf den Knochenstoffwechsel gesunder postmenopausaler Frauen
Bäcker, Natalie (2003)<b>Einleitung</b>: Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zeigen eine positive Wirkung des freien Radikals Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) auf den Knochenstoffwechsel. Erste Humanexperimente bestätigen einen positiven Einfluss einer ...